Lavish funding for En-Gee-Ohhs
Certain European countries and En-Gee-Ohhs which are dreaming of a
regime change here to have a puppet leader who would dance to their
tunes, have pumped a staggering one billion rupees for three En-Gee-Ohh
agents here - Alternative Parking-Soothy, Peaceman Jee-Hung and
Transparent Sand-Amuna since 2008. The trio had swallowed Rs. 273.31
million, Rs. 171.23 million and Rs 174.79 from identified channels while
a further Rs. 400 million in foreign currency was divided among the
Ra-Blue eats his own words
Ra-Blue felt he could get some mileage out of the Cup that is World
and pleaded with his supporters to send SMSs to support the two
cricketers. But lo and behold Ra-Blue forgot the fact that he himself
spread a rumour of a plan to arrest Sri Lankan spin hero Murali during
the 2007 World Cup.
Love-Slave's different strokes
Saa-Jeet, the Love-Slave is employing different tactics to become the
Green leader and the latest such attempt was at a rally in Matale when
he got a die-hard bhikkhu supporter of his ex-Prez father to emerge from
the crowds. The bhikkhu held Love-Slave's hand and delivered an
anusasana in a well-organised drama.
Memories of 1989-93 Green thuggery
Love-Slave continues to play his dirty Keselwatte politics which
brings back frightful memories of the 1989-93 era. He even organised his
supporters to hoot at Ra-Blue. Can someone like this aspire to be the
next Green leader? "The present leader is a thousands times better,"
Rookey Karoo said.