Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 February 2012





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Adjectives of comparison

As we have already learnt what adjectives are and how to use them, today we will learn how to use comparison adjectives. They are used to compare two nouns.

Punchi’s cartoons are funnier than Rex’s.
Athula runs faster than Alex.
Lal drives slower than Mendis.
The cobra is deadlier than the rat-snake.
Nelun’s hands are dirtier than Manel’s.

Jayani’s painting is more colourful than Prema’s.

We usually use ‘er’ with one syllable and some two-syllable adjectives.

Your room is darker than mine.
Bindu is cleverer than Sindu.
John is taller than William.
Douglas is fatter than Donald.
Jeevan is thinner than Visakha.

We use ‘more’ with some two-syllable adjectives and adjectives of three or more syllables.

Neela is more beautiful than Rekha.
This is more comfortable than yours.
Jayani’s painting is more colourful than Prema’s.
My brother is more proficient in English than his sister.
The train is more convenient than the bus.

Note: The ‘er’ ending and ‘more’ are both forms of comparative adjectives. Therefore, they cannot be used together in the same sentence.

When we compare more than two nouns, we use superlative adjectives.

Malcolm is the most helpful officer at the post office.

Leonard’s paintings are the most beautiful creations at the exhibition.

Raja is the most friendly person in his family.

Ranjith is the cleverest student in my class.

Your pair of sunglasses has the darkest tint among the other pairs.

When we want to say that two people or things are equal in comparison, we use ‘’ with the adjective in between.

The cobra is deadlier than the rat-snake.

Aishwarya is as beautiful as Kajol.
Aravinda is as clever as Joseph.
He is as good as you.
I am as tired as you.
Sampath cinema is as crowded as Odeon.


Underline the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. Check your answers with the key.

1. Sam is not as (clever/more clever) as Dixon.
2. Nethmi is (friendly/more friendly) than her brother.
3. The principal said Mary’s performance was the (impressive/most impressive) among all the competitors.
4. Sivalingam was the (best/better) teacher I have ever come across.
5.Miller’s novels are (readable/more readable) than his poetry.
6. The film is about how a (poor/poorer) child became a millionaire. Br>7.The author made the (longer/longest) speech in his life at the book launch.
8.Kolonna is (developed/more developed) now than twenty years ago.
9. My grandfather started walking two kilometres everyday and now he is much (healthier/healthiest).
10.This sofa is the (comfortable/most comfortable) of all.

Key: 1. clever 2. more friendly 3. most impressive 4. best 5. more readable 6. poor 7. longest 8. more developed 9. healthier 10. most comfortable


Add more and more words to your vocabulary in order to express yourself effectively. Here’s a quiz to test your word power. Find the meanings of the words in bold type and check your answers with the key.

1. Nobody can solve your problems if your outlook remains Lilliputian .

(a) narrow-minded
(b) broad-minded
(c) rosy

2. By using modern computers we can minimise our mistakes in writing to a great extent.

(a) increase
(b) reduce
(c) ignore

3. The defence lawyer studied the minutiae of the case looking for a loophole in the prosecutor’s argument.

(a) important areas
(b) hidden facts
(c) trivial details

4. The Roman General lived in a palatial building.

(a) small
(b) large and ornate
(c) tall

5. Any human being is likely to commit peccadilloes in his life.

(a) crimes
(b) important assignments
(c) trifling offences

6. The artist’s mind is teeming with creative ideas.

(a) fertile
(b) devoid of
(c) blank

7. In his lavish accolade the critic compared the new play with the finest dramas ever staged.

(a) condemnation
(b) reference
(c) praise

8. A conclave of senior members was held to pick the party leader.

(a) public meeting
(b) secret meeting
(c) group meeting

9. The widow of the slain politician broke into uncontrollable sobs when the solemn music of the dirge was played.

(a) song
(b) a funeral hymn
(c) dance

10. To balance the budget the mayor adopted draconian regulations.

(a) popular
(b) lenient
(c) harsh


1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)


Simple question forms

In questions, the first verb (is, are, have etc.) is used before the subject. Study the positive statements and the corresponding question forms.

Positive: I am tired. / I’m tired.

Question: Am I tired?

She is eating a mango.

P: You are late.

Q: Are you late?

P: She is eating a mango.

Q: Is she eating a mango?

P: This room is occupied.

Q: Is this room occupied?

P: He is angry.

Q: Is he angry?

P: Ram has gone home.

Q: Has Ram gone home?

P: You have got a nice house.

Q: You’ve got a nice house.

Q: Have you got a nice house?

P: Lalith has got a new car.

Q: Has Lalith got a new car?

P: They will come.

Q: Will they come?

When there are two verbs in a sentence use the subject after the first verb.

Why has Mary come?
Where have the children gone?
Which train are they waiting for?
What does he want to buy?

To form simple present tense questions we use ‘do, does’ at the beginning.

Do I have to memorise this poem?
Do they want to leave tonight?
Does he teach at an international school?

To form simple past tense questions we use ‘did’ at the beginning.

Did you come with your friend?
Did he write the essay?
Did they meet you at the airport?

We can also use ‘do’ as the main verb in a sentence.

What do you do for a living?
What does your father do?
What do they do at weekends?
You’ve done a good job. How did you do it?

We can form negative questions with ‘Why’.

Why isn’t he here today?
Why can’t they come on time?
Why didn’t you phone me yesterday?
Why doesn’t he smile?


Ask questions. Check your answers with the key.

1. Mary wants to go.
Where.................. she .......................?

2. The actor isn’t here.
Why .................. he .........................?

3. It’s very important.
Why .................. it ............................?

4. Mahil is drawing.
What .................. he .............................?

5. Janitha went home.
What time .................... she ........................?

6. Jack and Jill are climbing the hill.
When ................... they ..............................?

7. I like music.
What kind of music .............................?

8. I met Jayani.
Where ....................... her?

9. Nalaka is going to stay here.
How long ................ he .......................?

10. The girls have gone.
Where ...................... they ........................?


1. Where does she want to go?
2. Why isn’t he here?
3. Why is it important?
4. What is he drawing?
5. What time did she go home?
6.When are they climbing the hill?
7. What kind of music do you like?
8. Where did you meet her?
9. How long is he going to stay here?
10. Where have they gone?

Supply the missing vowels

In each of the following words some vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are missing. Study the meaning and put in the missing vowels. Check your answers with the key.

1. Abb...ct : a man who is the head of a monastery
2. Abd....t : to take somebody away illegally
3. Abh ....r : to hate something
4. : to officially end a law
5. Abr .....d : in or to a foreign country
6. Abr : sudden and unexpected
7. Abs ...rd : completely ridiculous
8. Ab...nd...nt : existing in large quantities
9. Acc ...d ...: to agree to a request
10. : to take willingly something that is offered
11. Acc ...rd :a formal agreement between two organisations
12. Acc...r : the state of being exact or correct
13. Ach ... : hurt
14. Act ...v : a person who works to achieve political or social change
15. Act ...r : a person who performs on stage
16. Ac ...t ... : very serious
17. Ad ...m ... nt : determined not to change your mind
18. Ad ... pt : good at doing something difficult
19. Ad ... ... ... : goodbye
20. Ad ... r ... bl ... : very attractive


1. Abbot 2. Abduct 3. Abhor 4. Abolish 5. Abroad 6. Abrupt 7. Absurd
8. Abundant 9. Accede 10. Accept 11. Accord 12. Accuracy 13. Ache
14. Activist 15. Actor 16. Acute 17. Adamant 18. Adept 19. Adieu
20. Adorable

Find the antonyms

Antonyms are words having opposite meanings. Here is a simple test to gauge your knowledge of antonyms. Read the list of words and find their antonyms. To facilitate your task the first letter is given for each word. Check your answers with the key.

1. Abandon: C .....................
2. Abate: S .........................
3. Abbreviate: E ..................
4. Aberration: C ...................
5. Abhor: L ..........................
6. Ability: I ..........................
7. Abject: P .........................
8. Able: I .............................
9. Abnormal: N .....................
10. Abolish: C .......................
11. Abominable: D .................
12. Abort: C .........................
13. Abortive: S .....................
14. Abridge: E ......................
15. Abrupt: G ......................
16. Absence: P ....................
17. Absorb: E ......................
18. Abstain: I ......................
19. Abstemious: I ..................
20. Abstinence: I ...................
21. Abstract: C .....................
22. Absurd: L .........................
23. Abuse: P ..........................
24. Abusive: P .......................
25. Accelerate: D ....................


1. Continue 2. Strengthen 3. Extend 4. Conformity 5. Love 6. Inability 7. Proud 8. Incapable 9. Normal 10. Create 11. Delightful 12. Continue 13. Successful 14. Expand 15. Gradual 16. Presence 17. Exude 18. Indulge 19. Intemperate 20. Indulgence 21. Concrete 22. Logical 23. Praise 24. Polite 25. Decelerate


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