And now a water ATM
As dawn breaks, two queues start forming at the only petrol pump in
Lakshmangarh, a small town in Rajasthan's Alwar district. One,
obviously, is of people waiting to get their vehicles' fuel tanks
refilled. The other is in front of a simple metal box mounted on the
petrol pump's boundary wall. People like to call it ATM machine. But
instead of dispensing cash, it gives them clean drinking water.
On her turn, 26-year-old Sapna Jatav takes out a plastic card and
holds it in front of a sensor of the water ATM. The sensor reads her
card and shows a balance of Rs 130. Jatav places a 10-litre container
below a pipe on the water ATM and presses a button. Reverse Osmosis (RO)
processed water starts flowing from the pipe. Jatav releases the button
when the container is full. The machine calculates the quantity of water
dispensed and deducts the amount from her account. One litre costs 50
The technological initiative, powered by solar energy, is changing
the lives of many in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Earlier,
people depended on the saline municipal water or groundwater that has
high fluoride content. "Water was not fit even for cooking," says
homemaker Rekha Atolia. "Tea would get curdled. Dal would not cook if
baking soda was not added to it. When relatives would come, we would buy
bottled water," she says.
A study conducted last year by Jhunjhunu-based JJT University states
that fluoride content in Alwar groundwater is between 2 parts per
million (ppm) and 7 ppm, much beyond WHO'S permissible limit of 1 ppm.
High fluoride in water is responsible for increasing cases of renal
failure in the district, says the study published in Global Journal of
Pharmaceutical Research in September 2012.
How it all began
The technology is the brainchild of Piramal Foundation, the corporate
social responsibility branch of global business conglomerate Piramal
Dharamveer Singh, sales head of Sarvajal, the company started by
Piramal Foundation, shares the journey of water ATM. "In 2008, we were
brainstorming possible technological solutions to the problem of
contaminated water. We also wanted to reduce the drudgery of women who
travel long distances to fetch water," Singh reminisces. Sarvajal
started with door-to-door supply of RO water.
An RO plant was set up in Jhunjhunu's Bagar village. But problems
started cropping up soon. "Different people would give different
delivery times. With little staff this was difficult. Also, door-to-door
delivery involved manual labour, which we wanted to reduce," says Singh.
Another problem was of delayed payments.
The new model has pre-paid system that ensures zero debtTo solve
these issues, Sarvajal thought of water ATM and pre-paid cards. V1 has a
water tank kept locked above the machine. The tank is connected to the
RO plant, which uses groundwater for processing. The plant can process
1,000 litres in an hour. Processed water is carried to the tank using
booster pumps. V1 has three buttons-of 1 litre, 5 litres and 10 litres.
People could scan the card on the ATM's sensor and press the button,
depending on their water requirement.
The problem with V1 was that many a time a lot of water would get
wasted because there was no standard size of containers that people
brought with them.
So, if a customer pressed the five-litre button and the container's
size was 4.5 litres, half litre would go waste.
There was a social problem as well. One big village in Rajasthan has
two or three smaller villages, called dhani, based on the nature of the
community. If water ATM was installed in one dhani, people of other
dhanis would object.
The advanced model of water ATM took care of the two issues. To avoid
clashes, the new model is strategically placed so that it can be
accessed by people of all communities. The machine itself is simpler
with just one button.
The technology uses GSM, or Global System for Mobile communications.
It helps Singh keep track of all the 20 machines installed while sitting
at his office in Jaipur. A software called Soochak informs Singh on his
mobile phone of damage in any machine.
For example, if the percentage of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), a
kind of water impurity, crosses the permissible limit, the RO plant
would automatically stop functioning and Soochak would alert the
operator. Singh claims the system is so sophisticated that he is alerted
even if a pipe starts to rust. Every machine is also checked properly
once a month, he says.
Sarvajal claims to recharge the wastewater produced during the RO
process. "Groundwater here has high TDS content. Processing leaves 50
per cent water with TDS content," says Singh. This water is sent back to
the aquifers through recharge wells.
D C Garg, hydrologist at the district groundwater department, says
this process may increase the TDS content in groundwater. But Anuj
Sharma, chief operating officer of Sarvajal, argues that only 0.5 per
cent of the extracted water is used for drinking. Most is used for
agriculture, shows groundwater extraction data.
The operation of water ATMs is managed through local partners. "The
idea is to promote local entrepreneurs," says Sharma. In Lakshmangarh,
petrol pump owner Abhir Modi manages the operations. So far, he has
around 550 customers who either come to the ATM or get water delivered
at their doorsteps. "We have only one water ATM in the village, so
people who live far prefer to get it delivered at their homes," says
Modi. The charge for home delivery is 70 paisa. Modi sells around 700
litres of water every day. In summers, the requirement goes up to 1,000
litres. "It is better to drink clean water than spend money on medical
treatment later," says Atolia. Sarvajal now plans to set up one more
machine in the town.
It is a profitable business for the company as well. The total cost
of setting up the RO plant with the machine is around Rs 5 lakh.
Franchisees pay 40 per cent of their earnings to the company. If the
franchisees own the machine, they pay 20 per cent of the earnings to the
company. A unit breaks even when it serves 125 families with 20 litres
each daily. The company provides maintenance, advertising support and
community drive.
"We do not say that we provide the best solution, but this is the
best we can do in the existing circumstances," says Sharma.
Surprisingly, the district collector and other officials in the
groundwater department know nothing of water ATMs.
With no government initiative to tackle the problem of contaminated
water, such an entrepreneurial venture is a big hit.
- Down To Earth