Abans launches CSR project
A road accident, a year ago led to the death of Anil Pushpa Kumara, a
driver employed by Abans at their Kadulkale Warehouse Complex in Seeduwa.
The tragedy left a destitute young wife and two school-going children
with no means of support.
Director of Abans, Ms. Saroshi Dubash, called upon Abans General
Manager of Operations Ajit Jayasinghe to render every assistance
possible to them.
Ajit Jayasinghe, Deputy General Manager of Operations Ranjit
Gajanayake and staff members of Kadulkale Warehouse Complex pledged one
day's salary every month (totalling over Rs. 26,000 per month)
continuously to the bereaved family.
Ajit Jayasinghe also obtained the support of Abans Group, staff,
suppliers and well-wishers who contributed generously to rebuild the
existing ramshackled house.
The new house was completed at Kaduwala, Dunagaha in Divulapitiya and
handed over to the family last week by Director of Abans Group, Ms.
Saroshi Dubash. A large gathering of Directors of Abans and senior
managers were present.
Abans also conducts numerous CSR projects in rural schools in many
areas, orphanages and homes for the disabled and destitute. |