Abans felicitates long standing employees
New Year's day was a memorable day at Abans Service as the 800-
strong workforce of Abans Service gathered to celebrate the New Year on
January 1, Chairperson of Abans Ms. Aban Pestonjee presented employees
who had completed over 20 years with a plaque and cash awards.
Ms. Aban Pestonjee said, "I thank you all for working hard with
enthusiasm and dedication everyday towards the success of Abans.
I would like to specially thank these exemplary individuals who have
been loyal to Abans for such a long period. Even though I may not find
the time to appreciate your hard work every day or as often as I would
like, I wish to remind you that I appreciate the long hours you have
dedicated towards Abans."
"Abans is committed to offer every possible assistance to those who
work with dedication. Many of you have come a long way from being young
school-leavers to seasoned professionals in your field after two decades
of commendable service.
Abans Service also ensures that newcomers to the company are given a
thorough training which will fast track them towards achieving their
fullest potential and make them the best at what they do," she said.
"More of you will be selected to be trained overseas in the coming
year to infuse our company with the fruits of knowledge and experience
you gain."
A 24-year veteran of Abans Service, Ms. Sepalika Boteju said, "I have
many happy memories at Abans Service. Over the years, I have turned down
the chance to work elsewhere because the management has been caring
towards us."
"The single most important reason why I continue to serve at Abans
Service is because of the humble, down-to-earth nature of its management
and staff" said Lalith Gunawardene, who has completed 29 years with the
company. |