About our daughter 28 5’6” fair, pretty, slim, and very good Characted. Well brought up studied graduated, and M.Sc G/B parents seek academically and professionally qualified handsome son. Please reply family details and horoscope.
Absolutely, academic and professionally qualified good looking partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist Karawa parents for their 26, 5’5” very fair, slim, pretty daughter educated at leading private school in Colombo. Earned BBA / Hon, USA degree and Advanced Diploma in CIMA. Inherits assets. Govigama also considered. Email :
Academically and professionally qualified partner living in Melbourne
(Australia) is sought by well established respectable Sinhalese Buddhist parents
residing in Melbourne for their daughter 27 yrs. 5'3" (155.5 cm) fair, pretty,
slim, well mannered, brought up to Sri Lankan and Buddhist values. She holds
double degree and working as a Chartered Accountant in reputed firm in
Melbourne. Reply with family details and non malefic horoscope to
B49543 Academically and professionally qualified NS/TT well mannered son is sought by B/G respectable parents from Kandy for their daughter. Software engineer, 24 years, 5’2”. Employed in a reputed private company. She is pretty fair and slim. Well brought up with Buddhist values with excellent character. Please reply with family details and horoscope.
Academically and professionally qualified partner sought by Sinhala Catholic mother seek a suitable partner willing to migrate UK or Canada, for her second daughter age 31 years, 5’2” kind honest down to earth with pleasing personality, well behaved and bears unblemished character. She is a 1st class IT and human resource graduate from a leading prestigious university in London and employed as a data base Manager attached to a leading international insurance firm in London. At present she moved to Canada and working in the same capacity. She had her primary education in a leading convent school in Colombo. She was brought up to Sinhala culture and values. She hold dual citizenship too. She will be back to UK in September. Only a sister married to an engineer living in France. We will be in Sri Lanka in July. Please respond with family details with horoscope. Email:
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered honest partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist G/S parents in Canada for their pretty fair slim caring daughter born May 1986, 5’7” in height, Canadian citizen. Presently studying for MSc in England. Please reply with horoscope and family details.
Academically or professionally qualified well mannered partner is sought by respectable B/K mother for accomplished graduate daughter working as a Manager, aged 31, Kuja in 8th house. Reply with horoscope.
Academically / professionally qualified sober partner is sought by Govi Buddhist retired parents for their slim, graduate daughter 5’1” born in Nov. 1977, a permanent resident of USA, visiting Sri Lanka in early May for a short vacation. Please reply with copy of horoscope. E-mail: Tel: 0112702377.
Academically/ Professionally qualified or in business kind hearted son is sought by well respectable Buddhist, Govi, Parents for their 21 years old youngest daughter with a view for a marriage after a relationship. Those still studying also considered. She is 5’4”, slim, fair and very pretty, brought up with good values and currently studying for her degree (designs) in a prestigious University in UK. Please respond with family details and horoscope (non malefic only). E mail:
Academically, professionally qualified partner with sober, simple habits from middle class family is sought by G/B parents (Retired government officers) for their graduate (Textile- Moratuwa), fair, pretty, executive in reputed private company, Colombo, 29y, 5’3” daughter. TP- 0812201605
Affluent, professional B/G parents living in UK seek academically and professionally qualified well mannered son (below 30 years and height above 5’6”) from a B/G family for their beautiful, fair, slim daughter with an excellent character. She is a MBBS doctor born in 1986. Please reply with family details and horoscope (prefer Kuja in 1,2,7 or 12th house) Email:
An academic or professional is sought by Sinhalese parents for their fair, pretty daughter Accountant, resident in Australia, 38 years 5’2’’ Divorced after very short marriage innocent party. 2581002.
A genuine unmarried smart person below forty years with good income and modern thinking is sought for a 26 years 5’3” height smart pretty slim girl. At present she is engaged in a small business on her own as a fashion designed. Please reply with all details. Caste religion immaterial, preferably person living abroad. Email
A partner suitably qualified employed and respects Buddhist values is sought by a respectable G/B family from Colombo for their well employed qualified simple daughter 5’4” born in 1965. Overseas respondents also considered. TP.0113443895.
A smart, well-educated son, fluent in English from similar background is sought by Buddhist S/G parents for their only daughter, just turned 38, 5’3”, pretty, slim, MA graduate completing an MBA, working in prestigious company. Proposals from overseas are welcome. Non-smoker and teetotaller preferred.
A suitable partner is sought by G/B parents in Colombo for their 35 yrs, very fair, very pretty, slim, 5’3’’ tall, very young looking daughter, studied at a leading school in Colombo and at a College in Australia, well employed in a foreign organization in SL. A decent, handsome son below 42, qualified and well employed in overseas preferred. Willing to migrate. Reply with family details and copy of horoscope. E-mail: 011 2718305.
Buddhist affluent respectable professional family seeks academically / professionally qualified partner, age 29-33 with sober habits for fair slim & pretty daughter 5’ 5’’ accomplished MBBS doctor. Substantial dowry, cost immaterial. Please reply with family details with horoscope. E-mail-
Buddhist Catholic parents seek kind hearted educated son for their eldest daughter 29 years 5’ 1 1/2” height fair in complexion educated in good Catholic school, Colombo, working in a private bank. Pl. reply with true family details and copy of horoscope.
B/G parents in America seek never married educated professional, born (1972-1976) from USA/overseas for educated employed well accomplished daughter with handsome, dowry willing relocate.
B/G parents looking for a handsome tall educated partner for our 27 pretty fair educated 5’4” employed daughter with dowry. Kuja, Ravi 7, Shani 1. Email:
B/G respectable parents Colombo suburbs seek academically professionally qualified caring son with good values for professionally academically qualified 29+, 5’5” fair pretty daughter (only child), Software Engineer with considerable assets. No malefics. Reply with horoscopes matching with Deta Nekatha Kuja Sikuru (6). E-mail to:
Catholic Buddhist parents seek educated kind well mannered son for their 2nd daughter 26 year 5’ 2 1/2” height, educated in good Catholic School Colombo excellent character working in a private bank. Pl. reply with true family details and copy of horoscope.
Catholic Sinhalese parents seek suitable partner for daughter 35 years, 5’5”, working as a Senior Lecturer in a National University. E-mail - Tel. 2722174.
Christian Govigama parents seek for daughter 23 yrs, Software Engineer studying for M.Sc in Australia, 5’4” attractive, seek qualified, respectable partner based in Sri Lanka or overseas. Tel. 0112714877.
Christian Govigama parents seek for their daughter aged 26, 5’7”, attractive works for a leading Bank as Officer a respectable, qualified partner based overseas or in Sri Lanka. She holds a Degree in Business Management and in final level CIM. Tel. 2712315.
Colombo B/G/K respectable parents seek educated suitable partner for their daughter, 5’3” height, fair, 35 years, working as an Administrator in a leading company in Dubai. Inherits house in Colombo and other assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail :
Colombo District B/K parents seek a professionally qualified partner with sober habits for their 36 yrs. 5’2” slim very fair young looking daughter employed as full time Lecturer. Please reply with horoscope family details. Caste immaterial. Email:
Colombo suburban parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter 35, 5’3”, v.fair, slim, employed educated in a leading girls’ school in Colombo. E-mail address:
Colombo suburbs respectable G/B parents seek academically / professionally qualified partner with sober habits for their 28, 5’ 4 1/2” pretty slim daughter, citizen of Australia, presently employed as a Graduate Accountant there. Australian citizenship or PR holders preferred. Please respond with horoscope and family details. Tel: 0112855117. E-mail :
Colombo suburbs Sinhala S/B parents seek a professional qualified doctor, engineer or similar partner for our daughter 27, 5’1”, slim pretty CIMA passed finalist running her own small company. Substantial dowry available. Respond with full family details and horoscope.
Educated well mannered partner (30-45 yrs) is sought for 40 yrs. old daughter. She is pretty, slim, fair and very much younger looking well educated and currently working in an airline in an executive level. Possesses substantial assets in SL. Will be visiting SL during April end. Reply with full details to
G/B parents residing in UK seek academically/ professionally qualified partner from UK (preferably) for their beautiful, young looking doctor daughter who is in her mid thirties. Please reply with family details.
G/B parents seek professional partner for their youngest daughter 29 yrs, 5’2”, she was educated at leading school in Colombo and BSc (Hons) degree holder in UK. Working in a multinational company in London. PR holder. She inherits substantial assets. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email:
G/B parents seek suitable partner for their daughter 43 years fair slim 5’ 4 1/2” tall divorced, no children, Australian PR holder working in Australia. Specially PR holder in Australia considered. (Kuja in 7th House). Reply with family details and horoscope.
G/B professionally qualified parents living in Australia seek a suitable son for their pleasant, fair 5’8”, 26 daughter. She is a Law/Commerce graduate, working as an Accountant in a multi-national company in Australia. Educated up to AL in a leading school in Colombo. Inherits substantial assets. Caste immaterial. Email family details, horoscope & contact number to
I am Govi Buddhist Colombo 39 years, v.fair slim beautiful 5’3” educated and sober habits with means and assets legally divorced as the innocent party from a few months marriage seeks an understanding caring partner with or without kids for marriage to start new life. Caste, religion immaterial. Please write full details to or contact 0114340987.
Kandyan, Govi Buddhist parents residing in Australia seek a suitable marriage partner for their 34 year old professionally qualified daughter holding a senior government position. She is 5’4” with pleasant looks and a pleasing personality. Preference will be given to those who live in Australia. Please reply with a copy of horoscope. Email -
Kandy parents from a respectable, Kandyan G/B family seeks a suitable partner for their daughter, 1983, employed abroad, well mannered, pretty, fair, 5’2’. Seeks a professionally qualified son from the same caste, who likes to migrate/ those who work abroad preferred. 081-2470882.
Kurunegala respectable family seeks an educated Buddhist cultured son, below 33 for pleasant looking kind-hearted graduate daughter 26+, 5’4” who is Govt. employed and reading for higher studies. She is legally separated after a brief marriage. 0372223773.
Parents B/G living in Australia seek well educated professionally qualified son with cultured values from a respectable family preferably living in Australia for their daughter 25 years well-mannered smart slim LLB, B.Com qualified employed daughter with an excellent character and brought up to Sinahala Buddhist values. Reply with family details, contact numbers and horoscope to
Parents seek well mannered educated partner for S/B versatile and academically minded daughter MBBS Doctor 5’2’’ age 29 living with professionally qualified parents in Australia. Confidentiality assured. Please reply to
Professionally qualified parents residing in the UK, seek a professionally qualified son, with good qualities and family values, to be introduced to their only daughter, to build up a relationship leading towards marriage. She is 26 years old, fair in complexion, slim, 5’3” tall, well mannered, outgoing and brought up with Sri Lankan values. She is graduated from a prestigious London University and is now a practising solicitor. Contact by Email -
Professionally qualified, well mannered partner below 35 years willing to settle down in Canada is sought by B/G/D parents for 31 year old slim, fair pretty 5’3” daughter. Studied at a leading girls’ school in Colombo, holds degree in Psychology from Canadian University. Reply with family details, horoscope. Email:
Professional, SBG parents in Australia seek well mannered non-smoking son for their daughter 23, 5’4”, fair, slim, pretty, educated in Musaeus College, holds a BSc and currently completing LLB Degree. We are looking for a son with a solid education, prefereably in medical, engineering, law or finance field. Please reply with family details and copy of horoscope. Email:
Respectable mixed Muslim parents father (Moor) Medical Consultant living in Canada looking for their daughter 27 years old professionally qualified tall slim pretty well mannered working in Canada, a groom professionally qualified tall pleasant well mannered preferably working or studying in Canada/USA.
Respectable professional parents in Kandy seeks a suitable partner for their 27 yrs old fair pretty youngest daughter, Business Management Graduate. 5’2” Kuja, Sikuru in the 7th house. Please respond with the horoscope and family details. Contact 0812389378 after 6p.m.
Respectable Sinhala Buddhist family from Colombo seek a professional (43yrs-50yrs) for daughter 41 years 5’4 1/2” legally divorced with a pleasing personality graduate employed for a private company with substantial assets. Differences immaterial.
Roman Catholic parents Sinhalese, Australian citizens seek for their 32 yr old daughter (living with parents) fair, beautiful slim 5’6” tall professionally and academically qualified and well employed, a son with sober habits similarly qualified and well employed.
SB KD Caste immaterial respectable retired professional parents seek qualified partner for their daughter 33, 5’5” well mannered character with Sri Lankan values fair slim kind PR nurse USA only sister doctor UK married willing to migrate. Send horoscope family details. 038-2240894
Sinhala Buddhist professional parents residing in Australia, seek a suitable partner for their 32 years old Australian born daughter. She has engineering and commerce degrees, and working for a public organization in Melbourne. She is fair attractive and a kind hearted girl. Reply with full details and contact phone number. Email:
Sinhala Buddhist retired parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter 34, 5’2”, MBBS, MD, MRCP Doctor working in Colombo government hospital. Kuja-Shani 11th house, Chandra-Kethu 7th house, Uthra Putupa nekatha.
Sinhala / Catholic Buddhist respectable parents from Western Province seek handsome son with sober habits from a respectable Catholic family for their only daughter 25+ years, 5’4’’ height, intelligent, pretty, fair and slim, educated at St. Bridget’s Convent, Colombo 7, who has obtained MBBS Medical Degree. Waiting for internship. Medical graduates preferred. E-mail:
Wattala close by Govi R/C parents seek a suitable well employed partner with sober habits for their pretty, slim well mannered daughter inherits properties worth over 20 million and has returned home from UK after studies. Age 31 height 5’2”.
We are searching for an academically and professionally qualified smart son between 35-40 yrs, who loves family life, respects Sinhala Buddhist culture and who hails from respectable Govi Buddhist family for our daughter, truly beautiful, 5’4”, slim, fair, just turned 35, very young looking, impeccable character, outgoing pleasing personality, academically and professionally well qualified, higher grade academic in British University, possesses assets here and in UK, has British PR. May decide country of residence with mutual consent after marriage. Those living in UK or willing to go to UK provisionally, preferred. Please write with full family details and horoscope.
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