A pea green boat
One day, in the very early hours of morning, I
awoke to the sounds of chairs and table being dragged in the balcony
and some flower pots crashing down. It did sound ominous till I
realised that it was caused by a tremendous wind. Then, after a few
minutes, the rain came down, first in a hiss,
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Contemporary painters
Priscilla Caren Anandappa: Importance of art and creativity in a
child’s life
Five kilometres from the buzzing city of
Colombo, the eye sweeps over an extent of beautiful scenery with
modern buildings, traders in every corner displaying their exotic
ware, tourists in multi coloured clothes and most of all the famous
temple murals by George Keyt at Gothami Vihara. All these
cosmopolitan pageantry had become embodied into the very personality
of the town.
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Cultural Scene
Debunking deconstruction
In this column on the series on Of Grammatology
by famed French literary theorist and philosopher Jack Derrida, we
examine major epistemological defects in Derrida’s thesis of
deconstruction. we extensively cite a paper titled Debunking
Deconstruction by Denis Dutton on major critique of Deconstruction
Theory by John M. Ellis.
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