Lord Kuberan, the God of Riches
By Subashini Pathmanathan
Lord Kuberan occupies an important place in Hinduism. Lord Kuberan is
the God of Wealth in Hinduism. His figure is often described in the form
of a white dwarf.

Kuberan |
It is said that he is a friend of Lord Indra and a servant of Lord
Vishnu. His wife is Chitrari. Kuberan is a devotee of Lord Ruthra (Lord
Shiva). Gadauyutham is his weapon. According to legend, Kuberan was the
king of Lanka and stepbrother of the ancient Lankan king Ravana.
King Ravana kept Kuberan under his captivity to preserve his own
wealth. According to one Hindu legend, in his earlier birth Lord Kuberan
was a thief, and once when he was robbing the Shivan temple the light of
the temple was blown out. He consequently tried to light the lamp ten
times. The attempts earned him credit and he was blessed to be born the
king of wealth, Kuberan.
Being the God of wealth he is covered with jewels and ornaments. His
body has a certain deformity. He has three legs and eight teeth only.
According to Hindu legend, due to his physical defects Lord Brahma
gifted him a specially designed chariot to move freely.
The chariot was designed by Vishwakarma. It was called Pushpaka
According to another Hindu legend, Vishwakarma created the beautiful
Lanka for the Rakshatha clan, but it left the country due to the fear of
Lord Vishnu who might attack them. Lanka was a rich land.
So, Kuberan took it into his possession. At one stage the Rakshathas
were very much interested in occupying the abandoned land and they sent
a female to attract Kuberan's father.
She was the daughter of one of the chiefs, princess Kaikesi. She is
also known as Kaikeyi. She succeeded in her mission and ultimately
married Kuberan's father Vishrava (or Vesamuni).
Ravana's father was Vishrava (or Vesamuni), and his mother was
Kaikesi who had three sons and one daughter. Ravana, Vibushanan,
Kumberkarnan and Soorpankai were their children.
Ravana was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and he was blessed with
numerous exceptional powers. With his divine power he defeated Kuberan
and captured his powerful vehicle Pushpaka Vimanam. Unfortunately, it
was said that the vehicle gifted by Lord Bhrama was stolen by Ravana and
used by him to attack the Gods and abduct Sita Devi,wife of Lord Sri
Rama. Kuberan could not recapture his kingdom from Ravana. So
Vishwakarma built another beautiful kingdom for Kuberan, at Mount
The beautiful and richest state was named Alaka or Alaka Puri, with
its beautiful garden named Chaitraratha.
Kuberan was the dominant head and guardian of the Northern direction.
And his second kingdom Alaka was considered much more suitable to
watch and protect the wealth of the world.
According to Hinduism, Lord Venkadesawara borrowed a huge amount of
money for his marriage from Kuberan which was said to have been repaid
by the Lord Venkadesawara on instalment basis within the period of
Richest Hindu temple
Today Thirupathi Thirumalai Devasthanam is the abode of Lord
Venkateswara and it is the richest Hindu temple in the world. At this
temple Kubera Yantha was installed. The sacred Kubera Yanthra must be
the secret of attracting millions of devotees from all over the world.
The devotees donate cash, gold and precious ornaments. According to a
verse found in 'Aaswiyuja bahula trayodasi', the temple is considered to
bring wealth and prosperity. Mantra Mahodhadi gives details of Kubera
Another sacred Mantra Maharnava indicates the process of worshipping
Kubera Yanthra.
The Yanthras are made out of metals. According to the Hindu Agama
sastras scientific line figures are drawn in such a manner to focus at a
particular point where the radiation generates and spreads all over the
universe. It is believed that the full moon of Deepavalai day is the
most suitable day to worship the Kubera Yanthra.
It is believed that a properly and perfectly drawn geometrical Yantra
brings fortune to the possessor. This particular Yanthra is always kept
at the temples, cash box and almirahs.
The Yantra is cleaned with lotus petals, washed with milk and it is
kept on a red silk cloth. The Yantra is always worshipped with five
headed ghee lamp. Those who worship it for 72 days will be blessed with
all the material wealth in the world.