WTO summit adopts new declaration
The WTO ministerial
conference ended with the adoption of a series of decisions including
that on the controversial issue of food security.
by Kanaga Raja
The ninth session of the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) came to a close on December 7, after adopting a
Ministerial Declaration, the entire Bali package of ten texts, and five
other Ministerial decisions.
The conference, which began on December 3 and was scheduled to end on
December 6, spilled over into 7 December, when a very small group of
countries, citing some concerns, had refused to join the consensus on
the draft Bali package at an earlier informal Heads of Delegation (HOD)
The proposed Bali package was presented to Members at an informal HOD
meeting at around 8.00 pm on December 6.
Another informal HOD meeting was held at around 1.00 am the next day.
However, at this informal meeting, according to trade diplomats, Cuba,
Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia said that they could not go along with
the texts.
Trade diplomats said that two issues were raised, one being a point
of procedure (when Cuba was denied the floor at an earlier HOD meeting)
and the other being the issue of transit under trade facilitation when
the text relating to transparency and non-discrimination (the US trade
embargo against Cuba) had been deleted.
(According to a trade diplomat, at the informal HOD meeting at around
8.00 pm on December 6 when the draft Bali package was presented to
members, Cuba, which had wanted to speak, was denied the floor. Cuba
then said that it would not join the consensus in relation to the texts,
according to the trade diplomat.) An informal HOD meeting that was later
scheduled for 4.30 am on December 7 was postponed to 10.00 am the same
day, and this was followed quickly by the closing plenary session.
At the closing plenary, Conference Chair Indonesian Trade Minister
Gita Wirjawan paid tribute to the late Nelson Mandela, and South African
Trade Minister Rob Davies was also given the floor.
The Chair then proceeded to take action on a revised draft
Ministerial Declaration (which was circulated on 7 December morning),
the five draft Ministerial decisions, and the Bali package of ten texts.
All were duly adopted to a standing ovation.
(The revised draft Bali Ministerial Declaration had added the
following paragraph under the trade facilitation sub-heading: In this
regard, we reaffirm that the non-discrimination principle of Article V
of GATT 1994 remains valid.
(According to trade officials, this paragraph was included to address
the concerns voiced by Cuba.)
The five draft Ministerial Decisions were on TRIPS non-violation and
situation complaints, work program on electronic commerce, work
programme on small economies, aid for trade, and trade and transfer of
The ten texts comprising the Bali package are the agreement on trade
facilitation; general services; public stockholding for food security
purposes; understanding on tariff rate quota administration; export
competition; cotton; preferential rules of origin for least-developed
countries; operationalisation of the waiver concerning preferential
treatment to services and service suppliers of least-developed
countries; duty-free and quota-free market access for least-developed
countries; and monitoring mechanism on special and differential
On the critical issue of food security, paragraph one of the draft
Ministerial Decision on public stockholding for food security purposes
states: 1. Members agree to put in place an interim mechanism as set
out below, and to negotiate on an agreement for a permanent solution,
for the issue of public stockholding for food security purposes for
adoption by the 11th Ministerial Conference.
A footnote to this paragraph states that the permanent solution will
be applicable to all developing Members.
The second paragraph of the draft decision on food security states:
In the interim, until a permanent solution is found, and provided that
the conditions set out below are met, Members shall refrain from
challenging through the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism, compliance of
a developing Member with its obligations under Articles 6.3 and 7.2 (b)
of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) in relation to support provided
for traditional staple food crops in pursuance of public stockholding
programmes for food security purposes existing as of the date of this
Decision, that are consistent with the criteria of paragraph 3, footnote
5, and footnote 5 and 6 of Annex 2 to the AoA when the developing Member
complies with the terms of this Decision.
A footnote to this paragraph states: This Decision does not preclude
developing Members from introducing programmes of public stockholding
for food security purposes in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the Agreement on Agriculture.
On notification and transparency, the draft Ministerial Decision on
food security states:
A developing Member benefiting from this Decision must:
a. have notified the Committee on Agriculture that it is exceeding
or is at risk of exceeding either or both of its Aggregate Measurement
of Support (AMS) limits (the Member's Bound Total AMS or the de minimis
level) as result of its programmes mentioned above;
b. have fulfilled and continue to fulfil its domestic support
notification requirements under the AoA in accordance with document
G/AG/2 of 30 June 1995, as specified in the Annex;
c. have provided, and continue to provide on an annual basis,
additional information by completing the template contained in the
Annex, for each public stock-holding program that it maintains for food
security purposes; and
d. provide any additional relevant statistical information described
in the Statistical Appendix to the Annex as soon as possible after it
becomes available, as well as any information updating or correcting any
information earlier submitted.
With respect to anti-circumvention/safeguards, the draft decision
4. Any developing Member seeking coverage of programs under
paragraph 2 shall ensure that stocks procured under such programmes do
not distort trade or adversely affect the food security of other
5. This Decision shall not be used in a manner that results in an
increase of the support subject to the Member's Bound Total AMS or the
de minimis limits provided under programs other than those notified
under paragraph 3. a.
As to the work program, the draft decision states:
8. Members agree to establish a work program to be undertaken in the
Committee on Agriculture to pursue this issue with the aim of making
recommendations for a permanent solution. This work program shall take
into account Members existing and future submissions.
9. In the context of the broader post-Bali agenda, Members commit to
the work program mentioned in the previous paragraph with the aim of
concluding it no later than the 11th Ministerial Conference.
10. The General Council shall report to the 10th Ministerial
Conference for an evaluation of the operation of this Decision,
particularly on the progress made on the work program. |