Celebrating love, peace and reconciliation
Christmas is, perhaps, the only festival where
people around the world, from different religions, races and
cultures, come together to celebrate the birth of a baby whose
arrival was announced to shepherds watching their flocks on a
star-studded night by angels, in a little town called Bethlehem over
2,000 years ago.
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Ira Sevaya, a natural phenomenon
The Sri Pada season begins on the Unduvap Full
Moon Poya day and the season ends on the Vesak Full Moon Poya day
the following year. Accordingly, the next Sri Pada season will begin
on the Unduvap Full Moon Day, December 16th this year and will end
on the Vesak Full Moon Poya day, in May 2014.
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'Life on Earth may have developed below rather than above
How life on Earth came into existence is still
one of the greatest mysteries in science but new research into the
“deep biosphere” indicates that the first replicating life-forms on
the planet may have originated deep underground rather than, as
commonly believed, on the surface.
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