Of fidelity and betrayal
‘Fidelity’ would seem a poetic anomaly in the
present world we live in, a beautiful notion worth romanticising,
but distant to the socially prevalent norm, and almost a myth.
‘Betrayal’ would be the point of fidelity’s death, its antithesis.
Though generally one would read the words ‘fidelity’ and in
juxtaposition to it,
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Remarkable novel, noteworthy film
[Part 1]
It need hardly be pointed out that the novel and
the film are two of the most powerful and endearing media of
symbolic communication in the contemporary world. The relationship
that exists between these two forms of communication is as
fascinating as it is complex.
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Beethoven's portraiture, the timeless model
Entries in the conversation books of 1820, it is
found that this period became fashionable to do sketches of the now
famous Beethoven on his walks. A large number of striking sketches
are held in repertoire. Most of them are contemporary and of course,
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