Divi Neguma boost for cottage industries
Divi Neguma has identified 77,637 beneficiaries of the Divi Neguma
National Development Project's Cottage Industries Division. Equipment
and raw materials have been provided to 12,535 out of 18,601 who have
completed training under this program.
Under Divi Neguma Phase Five, which began on October 11, 4,901 will
become beneficiaries of this scheme by the end of the year.
This program - which the Economic Development Ministry is
coordinating under Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa - is
directed by the Ministries of Traditional Industries and Small
Industries, Industry and Commerce, Technology and Research and Youth
Affairs and Skills Development.
The establishment of hand-loom industrial centres in 10 districts has
already begun.
This will benefit 200 people with 20 from each village. The Commerce
and Industries Ministry has provided funds to 278 beneficiaries in the
Madampella, Meerigama. The encouragement given to hand-loom
industrialists is expected to give a higher value to the national
Since self-employed persons make a silent but considerable
contribution to the national economy, a program was launched this year
to raise their living standards and strengthen them on a professional
Garment production, kitul and palmyrah production are among the
leading cottage industries while the rest include products associated
with food items, fruits, mushroom, leather, coir, ornamental flowers,
chemicals, silver, brass, batik and handicrafts. Over 200 such producers
were provided with equipment and tools worth Rs. 14 million.
Industrial exhibitions were held in 14 districts to identify small
entrepreneurs and mini programs were held to identify their
requirements. Banks have coordinated in providing them with low-interest
loans from State and non-State financial institutions.
The Government is also providing relief assistance worth Rs. 15,000
to each family engaged in bee-keeping at Divisional Secretariat level
for which five families have already been selected. Boxes for bee hives
will also be provided.
Similar assistance will be given to those growing mushroom. Each of
them will be provided with relief assistance of Rs. 20,000 at Divisional
Secretariat level.
The activities of all those have been provided with loans will be
monitored to see their progress.