Korean, Lankan specialists promote oral cancer research
by Carol Aloysius
A project initiated by South Korean and Lankan cancer specialists has
given hope to oral cancer victims. Launched as a result of an agreement
with the Korean Research Foundation under the guidance of its Directress
Prof. Jim Kim, it aims at establishing a centre for research in oral
cancer at the Faculty of Dental Services, University of Peradeniya, with
Prof. W.M. Tilekeratne, who conceived the project, as its Founder
"Oral cancer is the commonest cancer in Sri Lanka with a poor
prognosis. At present 12.9 percent of cancers in Sri Lanka are oral
cancers", Public Health Dental Community Physician, Cancer Control
Program Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe told the Sunday Observer.
He said the Korean government had recently donated the country's
first Cone Beam CT Scanner (CBCT) at a ceremony at which the chief guest
was Sri Lanka's Ambassador to Korea Tissa Wijeratne. The machine has now
been commissioned at the Dental Faculty.
"This ultra-sophisticated scanner will go a long way in diagnosing
and treating oral cancer, besides helping patients with dental problems
such as implants as it is much more precise and exposes the patient to
minimal radiation, unlike the conventional CT scan machine which
requires the entire body to be exposed to radiation rays. With this
machine, only the head needs to be exposed to these rays at a minimal
level", Prof. Tilekaratne said.
He said the Korean Research Centre had so far gifted the new centre
equipment worth over Rs. 35 million. "They will send more equipment in
future, on condition that we provide the infrastructure and have a
separate building to house this Centre", Prof. Tilekaratne said. |