CEA assists industrialists
by P.P.G. Sugathadasa, Thihagoda Group Cor.
The Central Environmental Authority has taken a fresh initiative of
extending the environmental support to industrialists in Sri Lanka.
According to Chairman, Central Environmental Authority Wimal
Rubasinhe large scale industrialists who are immensely contributing to
the country's economy are to be accorded the priority under the first
phase of this program.
Gradually these programs would be expanded to other industrialists in
the island as well.
Measures are currently being taken to identify large scale
industrialists who directly contribute to the economic development in
Sri Lanka.
CEA officials will personally visit their industrial sites for giving
them necessary instructions and technical know-how on how to continue
with their industries in an environmentally friendly manner.
Officers attached to the Central Environmental Authority will also
have talks with heads of state institutions with the objective of
promoting and further expanding these industries which would largely
contribute to the economic uplift of the country he said.Extending a
helping hand to accelerated development and economic uplift of Sri Lanka
would be the vision and mission of all these endeavours CEA, Chairman,
Wimal Rubasinhe said.