Export agriculture promoted in Matara district
by P.P.G. Sugathadasa - Thihagoda Group Cor
Matara District Office of the Department of Export Agriculture has
taken measures to enhance export agricultural crops in the Matara
district said Assistant Director D.A.D.A.N. Wijayasinhe attached to
District Office, Department of Export Agriculture, Matara. The high
priority has been extended for cinnamon,pepper, cardamom, areca and
ginger cultivations in Export Agriculture Officers' Divisions in the
130 hectares for cinnamon,12 hectares for pepper,04 hectares for
areca and 01 hectare for ginger are planned to be brought under the
proposed fresh cultivation projects in the Export Agriculture divisions
of Matara, Kamburupitiya, Akuressa, Hakmana, Deiyandara, Devinuwara,
Deniyaya, Weligama, Pasgoda and Pitabeddara.
Under post harvest technology programs cinnamon processing centers
have also been set up in the Matara district.
There are two each in Matara, Akuressa and Devinuwara divisions and
one each in Kamburupitiya, Deiyandara, Pasgoda and Weligama divisions
totalling 10 he said.
Wijayasinhe said that the genuine cinnamon exported by Sri Lanka has
a great demand in the world market.
Minor export crop cultivators have formed their own organisations to
address problems such as marketing and fetching reasonable prices for
their local produce.
He said that since of late most of the tea cultivators in the
Deniyaya region in the Matara district have started abandoning their tea
cultivations and taken to growing cinnamon on a large scale. The
possibility of establishing cinnamon processing factories in the island
is also being explored by the ministry at the moment.
A policy decision has been taken to ban the export of sub- standard
cinnamon from Sri Lanka from January next year by Export Agriculture
Ministry he said.