Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 16 March 2014





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

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Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by Sinhalese Buddhist Deva parents from Colombo for their slim fair pretty daughter 27+, 5’3” in height with an Australian B.Sc. Degree. She is working in a leading Company in Colombo as an Interior Designer. Inherits assets over thirty million. Reply with family details and horoscope by letter or email, caste immaterial. [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified Sinhala Buddhist well mannered caring partner is sought by professional parents living in Australia for their daughter, 29 years, 5’1’’, slim, attractive, kind hearted, sociable, brought up to Sri Lankan and Buddhist values, graduate working as a consultant in a reputed bank in Australia. Reply with family details, horoscope and contact details to [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified son with sober habits from a respectable family sought by respectable G/B mother for leading Colombo school educated charming daughter 30, 5’2” employed in an international bank. Inherits assets. The late father planter. Only brother, married, Australian / SL dual citizen. Reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son with respectable family background sought by B/S parents for their eldest daughter 26+ (1987 born), 5’4” tall, fair, holding a degree in Accounting & Finance at Curtin University. Brought up with Buddhist values. Please reply with horoscope and family details email to [email protected]

Academically or professionally qualified partner sought by S/C parents for their academically qualified 26 year old daughter in secure employment. Responses to mother’s email: [email protected]
or C/o Sunday Observer.

Academically Professionally qualified partner with sober habits is sought by Respectable Govi Buddhist parents for their 34+ fair slim 5’ daughter working as an Accountant in a leading company Shani 2nd Kuja 10th Denata Nakatha. Inherits valuable assets. 0112853240.

Academically professionally qualified partner sought by Sinhala Buddhist respectable parents for pretty, slim smart MBBS Doctor daughter born in 1975 a Medical Officer attached to leading Hospital in Australia. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email : [email protected]

Academically qualified partner is sought by G/B professional parents from USA for their 35 yr. old daughter, a Consultant Physician educated and employed in the USA. Please send family details and horoscope to: [email protected]

Academically qualified, well employed son with sober habits is sought by educated GB parents in Colombo suburbs, for their fair, pretty 26, 4’11” graduate, employed daughter. Two elder brothers are professionally qualified and well employed. She inherits substantial assets including a house in Kotte. Non malefic horoscope. Reply with horoscope. Email - [email protected]

Academically / professionally qualified decent life partner is sought by GB distinguished parents for their accomplished daughter with means, ACMA; MBA; working in private sector in managerial position and as a Consultant to the business consortium. Born 1979/2; Non malefic HC. Planning for further studies, brother well settled overseas. Previous marriage limited to registration, nullified. Please reply with horoscope and contact number. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically & professionally qualified son with sober habits preferably living in Australia is sought by Sinhalese Buddhist parents with Australian residence for their academically & professionally qualified 23 years old, 5’7” in height well employed daughter brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Please forward family details with birth chart to: [email protected]

Academically, Professionally qualified partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist professional parents for their 33 old fair attractive kind hearted Australian born daughter. She has engineering and commerce degrees and working for a public sector organization in Melbourne. Reply with full details and contact phone number. Email: [email protected]

Academically/ professionally qualified son with sober habits sought by B/G Colombo professional parents for daughter MBBS/MSc doctor reading for MD born 79, 5’2” height, looks young slim smart charming personality. Owns assets, migration possible Email: full details to [email protected]

Academically, professionally qualified, smart son from respectable Govi Buddhist family is sought for our 1978 born very pretty, slim, fair, 5’4”, professionally and academically highly qualified daughter with impeccable character, senior lecturer in a prestigious university. Upholds Sinhala Buddhist values, possesses and inherits substantial assets. Please write with full family details and copy of horoscope. [email protected]

Affluent Bodu/Govi parents, father Managing Director of well established reputed Company, seeks a professionally qualified partner for daughter, very pretty, 25 yrs., 5’, Economics Graduate of a prestigious foreign University, now working in Colombo, owns substantial assets both abroad and in Colombo. No interested in migration. Please forward relevant details together with a copy of the horoscope to [email protected] your confidentiality is assured.

An academically / professionally qualified, N/S and TT marriage partner employed in Sri Lanka is sought by G/B parents (father retired Senior Bank Executive) in Colombo suburb for their daughter of 32 years, 5’5” in height, qualified in IT with B.Sc. and M.Sc. employed in a private bank. Her earlier marriage has legally been dissolved after a very short period, without any encumbrances, as an innocent party. She owns an upstairs house, in addition to further considerable assets to be inherited. Apply with full details inclusive of a copy of horoscope.

An affluent G/B parents seek a partner for academically and professionally qualified well employed daughter age 30, 4’5 1/2” educated in a leading Colombo school with over 100 million worth assets, a similar qualified partner with sober habits from a respectable family. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: [email protected]

An educated and well mannered partner is sought by Govi Buddhist parents from Kandy for their 36 years old daughter. She is 5’5’’ tall and well educated, completed her higher education in UK and now working for a international organization in Colombo. Please respond to [email protected] or via post with family details, horoscope and contact numbers.

Australian dual citizen, Buddhist Govi professional parents seek a qualified son for their 25 yr. old, 5’6”, smart attractive daughter, practising as a Medical Doctor in Melbourne. Caste immaterial. [email protected]

A suitable partner is sought by Sinhala parents for Doctor daughter attached to National Hospital Colombo divorced after short marriage no encumbrances born in 1976 June, fair, height 5’3” with substantial assets.

A well mannered partner is sought by Kurunegala mother for her daughter born 1979, 5 ft. 1 inch, slim, pleasant BA graduate, employed at a leading semi government school in Colombo. email: [email protected]

BG parents seek a well-mannered, academically, professionally qualified son below 40 for their very beautiful daughter 34+ yrs., 5’4”, she is a B.Com Degree Holder and a passed finalist in CIMA. Reply with family details, horoscope and contact numbers. [email protected] Tel. 0112512286. B82854

Bodu Govi parents close to Colombo, looking for professionally qualified well established son who values Sinhala Buddhist culture, for daughter born in 1987, 5’7” height, Business Administration Graduate, studying CIMA final stage, working for a multinational company, daughter has Kethu 7, Rahu 1 on horoscope, please reply family details with horoscope that matches the above. Email: [email protected]

Buddhist Govigama mother seeks partner for daughter 1977 professionally qualified attractive employed private firm Colombo, legally separated after brief marriage. No encumbrances, seeks educated well employed respectable partner teetotaller non-smoker prefrably residing abroad. Reply with family details contact No. horoscope. [email protected]

Buddhist Govigama parents seek academically and professionally qualified well mannered partner below 35 years for their only child 30 years fair and pretty. She is employed at a leading bank in Colombo. Reply with all details and horoscope Mesha Lagna Rahu 2 Shani 7 Kuja 8 Ashwida Nakatha.

Buddhist G/K retired Govt. Teacher parents seek a suitable educated professionally qualified son, for their 29 years, 5’5” tall Aircraft Engineer daughter currently employed in Sri Lanka. Her only brother and sister-in-law are doctors. Reply all details and horoscope. [email protected]

Buddhist mother from affluent family in Colombo seeks for 30 yr old (Born Jan ‘84), (looks much younger) 5’3” fair, smart, academically and professionally qualified daughter, a teetotaller, kind son working in Colombo. Caste Salagama, but immaterial. Has Kuja in 7th house. Please reply with family details and horoscope. email - [email protected]

Buddhist Sinhala family of well established parents residing in Colombo seek an academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family for their smart, fair, slim and pretty youngest daughter of 28 years who is a doctor by profession (MBBS, Colombo Medical Faculty) currently working in Colombo. She already has had experience of working in UK and intends to qualify further. Brother siblings are highly qualified, gainfully employed and permanently residing abroad. Please reply in Sinhala / English with full family details and a copy of horoscope by either email [email protected] or by normal post.

Buddhist Viswakula parents living in Australia seek a suitable partner for 31 yrs, nice looking (Doctor Medicine) MBBS daughter. Please reply with details & horoscope. [email protected]

B/G educated respectable family seeks academically professionally qualified groom around forty years from Sri Lanka / Overseas for fair pretty attractive well educated well employed only daughter, inherits substantial wealth willing relocate. [email protected]

B/G/K, Colombo suburbs parents seek kind, caring partner for MBBS daughter 32 yrs, 5’2”, fair, legally separated (registration only), willing to migrate. Please send horoscope and family details. email: [email protected]

B/K Parents residing closer to Colombo (father Engineer) seek a suitable partner for their elder daughter 5’2” (born in 1988 April) graduated from a university in UK and currently following a Masters degree in a prestigious university in London. Elder brother married and settled in USA. Younger sister studying in UK. Email: [email protected]

Christian Tamil parents seek suitable partner for their daughter born 1973 never married height 5’3’’, well educated and well employed in Colombo. She is fluent in English Tamil Sinhala. Race caste immaterial. If interested please contact: 031-2277159 E-mail: [email protected]

Colombo B/G Executive parents seek educated partner for daughter 5’2” born 1981 fair slim IT Engineer in private sector drawing good salary. Dowry cash house car lands. email - [email protected]

Colombo G/B Buddhist parent seeks professionally qualified partner for their pretty 31 year daughter 5’2”, BSc Degree in IT & MBA works in a reputed company in Colombo. Caste not considered. Legally separated from marriage limited to signature. She’s having Kuja dhosha in her horoscope. Please reply with full details & horoscope. Email ID:- [email protected]

Colombo G/B parents seek academically professionally qualified partner for their youngest daughter 29 years, 5’2” studied at a leading girl school in Colombo, B.Sc (Hons) degree holder working in a multinational company in UK, British citizen. She owns a house in Colombo and apartment in London. Reply with family details and horoscope. e-mai: [email protected]

Colombo Sinhala Buddhist Govigama professional family seeks professional groom for beautiful lawyer daughter presently employed in Samoa Island. Fair, slim, 5’4” and 44 years. Very much younger looking. Recently divorced as innocent party and no encumbrances. Please reply with full family details. Replies by e-mail only: [email protected]

Colombo Sinhala Christian parents seek teetotaller partner of same faith living in Sri Lanka for professionally qualified daughter 24, height 5’4”. Write with full details to email: [email protected] or C/o Observer.

Colombo suburbs G/B parents seek qualified well employed decent son below 30 for their eldest daughter. She is 23, 5’3” slim fair pretty kind hearted currently reading for BBA degree. Willing to migrate. Reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected]

Colombo suburb Buddhist retired mother seeks a kind hearted son, employed or in business with sober habits for only daughter 41, specialist teacher with a diploma from the Open University teaching at a reputed private institute in Colombo. She is younger looking, kind hearted, of medium complexion and bears excellence character. Only brother is a director of an IT company and married to a senior government official. Dowry a plot of land, jewellery & cash etc. Caste immaterial. Kethu in 7th house. Please write details with the horoscope. [email protected]

Colombo, Bodu/Govi, Medical Specialist parents seek a suitable partner from a good family who is academically qualified, for 26 yr. old, 5’4” tall, fair pretty kind hearted Doctor daughter who is presently working as a Lecturer in a Medical Faculty. Caste immaterial. Animal lover and professionals preferable. Contact with family details and a copy of horoscope. Email: [email protected]

Colombo, Suitable Roman Catholic partner is sought by parents for their beautiful, slim, 29 years old daughter, 5’3” tall, having strong religious and family values, professionally qualified working as an executive in a well established commercial organisation, legally divorced after brief marriage (innocent party). Email: [email protected]

Daughter 27 yrs, 5’3’’, pretty, pleasant, fair, slim, simple, Doctor of professional parents B/G seeking academically and professionally qualified TT/NS kind, simple son. Apply with all details and horoscope. [email protected]

Doctor B/G 5’6” medium complexion 100k smart 40 y, with means. Divorcee no encumbrances. Mother seeks similar status partner for daughter. Email [email protected] 0382235347.

Educated N/S T/T partner is sought by Southern respectable G/B parents residing in Colombo suburbs for their daughter 1984, 5’5” slim, pleasant, studied in a leading school in Colombo, brought up in a Buddhist environment who inherits substantial properties with a small tea factory. Please reply with horoscope and family details.

Educated well mannered partner sought by Govi Buddhist parents for their 28 years, 5’2”, fair, pretty kind hearted well mannered daughter M.Sc qualified employed drawing six figure salary, inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email: [email protected]

Galle district B/K parents seek an educated partner preferably residing in Sri Lanka for slim pretty daughter 1980 born 5’3” holds a Diploma in Hotel Management (New Zealand) & was employed in advertising industry before inherits substantial assets. Divorced no children [email protected]

GB Kandyan professional family from Kurunegala seeks professional son from same caste for CIMA, CIM qualified B.Sc. Management Graduate daughter. She is slim, fair, 5’2”, born in June 1981 and holding managerial post at a reputed Financial Advisory Firm in Colombo. [email protected]

Govigama Buddhist, Salagama catholic University Professor parents seek academically qualified suitable partner with good character for their 26 yr old 5’2” tall slim attractive younger daughter holding B.Sc. from a prestigious state University in Sri Lanka and currently pursuing M.Phil. studies. Please reply with family details, copy of the horoscope to [email protected]

Govi Catholic parents from Kurunegala seek a qualified partner for their convent eduacted pleasant, attractive, medium in complexion 28, 5’8” daughter. She is working in a reputed company. Please reply 0372233926.

Govi/ Buddhist parents seeks partner for qualified daughter. Accountancy MSc, BSc-UK. Age 30 height 5’5” Kuja / Shani 9th house. 0812223671 or [email protected]

G/B respectable parents in Colombo, daughter (1982) graduate in UK with means currently doing research at University in SL. Partner should be academically / professionally qualified in SL / abroad. 011-2812674.

G/B respectable parents, daughter 29 years LLB (UK), Attorney-at-Law with means working in a leading private bank in Colombo. Partner should be academically / professionally qualified ([email protected])

G/B/C parents are seeking a professional partner, aged between 34-39, for their mild mannered good looking 5 ft. 4 in., fair and slim, Consultant Physician daughter practicing in Canada. Religion & caste immaterial. Forward family details to mail : [email protected]

Kandyan G/B Parents seek academically, professionally qualified son for daughter M.B.B.S Doctor. 30 Years 5’8” fair, slim. Engineers, Bank Executives, Doctors, S.L.A.S. Preferred. Kandyan only. [email protected] 0112823378

Kegalle Govi Buddhist retired parents seek suitable partner for their daughter, having MSc BSc Assistant Director in Government sector, 38 yrs fair and slim 5’2”. 035-2229478. [email protected]

Moor respectable parents from Dehiwala seek, a suitable partner for daughter 37, 5’3”, educated, fair, pretty, religious, dowry house in Colombo. [email protected]

Moor respectable parents seek a suitable partner, for Teacher daughter 33, 5’4”, qualified, pretty, religious, dowry house in Colombo. [email protected]

Mother seeks educated well mannered son for tertiary qualified daughter 33 tanned complexion smart Manager of a leading International Bank. Send responses to [email protected]

Muslim parents from Colombo, seek suitable religious and educated groom for their daughter, 27 years, 5’1”, tan complexion, not very slim, wearing Abaya, Teacher at a Girls’ Muslim International School, Colombo. Please forward details. Email : [email protected] All correspondence treated confidentially.

Muslim well connected and respectable parents living in Colombo and London seek a partner for our academically and professionally qualified daughter 25 yrs, 5’4’’, slim, very pretty, very fair, UK Master Degree holder working as a consultant in London for a British company moderately religious well mannered daughter brought up with Islamic values. The groom should be Muslim handsome below 32 yrs, height above 5’8’’ professionally qualified from a respectable family living in UK, Europe or willing to migrate to the UK. Please send your full Bio-Data including contact details to; [email protected]

Parents K.G.B. Seeks an academically, professionally qualified son for their pretty, pleasant, very kind hearted, caring and very talented daughter 34 yrs 5’3” looking very much younger who was educated at a leading school in Kandy. She loves music & Art. Owns a car. Please reply with full family details, contact T.P. No and horoscope. [email protected]

Physician father living in USA seeks a university educated, liberal minded, light hearted, vegetarian (for ethical reasons), between ages 37-41, for his USA born and raised daughter, 37 years, accomplished musician and dancer with a Master’s Degree in music, currently yoga and dance instructor in Los Angeles, also an activist for animals. [email protected]

RC/G mother seeks suitable partner for their pleasent young looking daughter for early marriage 37, 5’3’’, BSc qualified, IT Manager. Please reply with family details. [email protected]

Respectable Sinhalese Catholic parents living in USA seek a professionally qualified son with unblemished character, residing in USA, UK, Canada or Australia for their daughter, who is 29 years and 5’ 2”. She is pretty, fair, slim, very pleasant and well brought up with excellent character. She graduated with bachelor’s degree from a University in New York and is employed. Caste and Religion is immaterial. Please respond to: [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist less than 32, educated, kind hearted, son is sought (Bank Executive is preferred) for our pleasant, kind hearted, honest, bank executive daughter 26 yrs. 5’1” Parents, permanently resided in Sri Jayawardenapura, expect your valuable response, with a copy of the son’s horoscope. email - [email protected]

Sinhalese Buddhist UK resident presently in Colombo late fifties, pretty young looking and active lady divorced without encumbrances would like to meet a respectable smart active gentleman with a good family background. Reply to [email protected]

Sister seeks professionally qualified partner for B/G well mannered, smart, pretty, medium built sister belongs to respectable family in Colombo. Professional foreign qualified teacher in prominent International School. 35 yrs. (1979 born) 5’6”. Caste immaterial. Willing to migrate. No divorcees/ widowers with horoscope. [email protected]

Southern G/B parents seek partner for pretty daughter 37, 5’2” B.Sc surveying sciences employed in Australia PR holder reading for M.Sc presently in Sri Lanka for short visit. Reply with horoscope. 0475724526. [email protected]

UK family seek partner abroad for daughter born 1972 qualified professional slim pretty [email protected]

Well mannered caring Buddhist brother is sought by Bodu Govi/Karawa sister living in Kegalle District for her 33, 5’5”, pleasant charming sister Senior IT Consultant in International Company Colombo. [email protected]



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