Today is Medin Full Moon Poya Day :
Humility helps awaken ourselves
When Jim Collins interviewed people who worked
for these leaders, he says they “continually used words such as
quiet, humble, modest, reserved, shy, gracious, mild-mannered,
self-effacing, understated, did not believe his own clippings; and
so forth” to describe them.
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Buddha, the paradigmatic Asian sage
If the world or your own life is in turmoil, the
only eastern sage you can turn to is the Buddha who is not a
philosopher in the western tradition. He surpassed western
philosophy by leaps and bounds and showed the world a holistic way
to lead a meaningful life.
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Thorns on the side
Japan's tsunami, three years on
Last year, exactly on the second anniversary of
the great earthquake and tsunami faced by Japan on March 11, 2011, I
had the rare opportunity of touring the areas most affected by the
tsunami and speaking to the very people who survived to tell the
tale. Many of them had lost all their family members and their
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