Continued engagement, key to win over UNHRC members
By Manjula Fernando
Former Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said Sri Lanka should not
only plan a post Geneva strategy after March but also a post Indian
parliamentary elections strategy if the country needs to project itself
well into the future sans external interferences.

Former Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama |
In an interview with Sunday Observer he said, “President Mahinda
Rajapaksa as a leader commands the majority support of the people.
Equally, he has to get the reflections of the Indian leadership in
navigating this interim period where international pressure is now
mounting on Sri Lanka.”
Continued engagement was the key to win over members at UNHRC he
“They knew our country had to fight terrorism, in a manner that we
can defeat terrorism, not to nurture terrorism. That is why there was no
need to manufacture arms in Sri Lanka, they came from abroad via
international sea lanes and air lanes. No one then said these arms are
coming to ‘liquidate’ the civilian population of the North,” Bogollagama
Excerpts of the interview:
Q: What is your take on India's parliamentary polls outcome
and the course of bilateral relations between Sri Lanka and India in the
event of a new government?
A: This is a unique opportunity for Sri Lanka to look at an
agenda that can really measure up to current day expectations from both
sides. Elections in India are critically important for Sri Lanka, in
terms of a new government getting created and Sri Lanka's current
international issues, both can be addressed very well with a new
The negative aspects can be reduced or eliminated with a new team in
office. That is an obvious opportunity. The current reading on the
Indian election map, speaks of a BJP victory. A coalition led by the BJP,
when The Hindu Chief Editor and publisher Dr. N. Ram met me about ten
days ago in Sri Lanka, we discussed very closely the developments taking
place within the Indian electoral map. Early estimates are getting far
changed where the congress position is concerned. Congress was expected
to win 146 seats but now it is receding, it may hit as low as 100 or
less. BJP is registering an upward trend. It will secure 200 - 220 seats
or even more. But 272 seats are needed to from a government. In this
context a wide coalition will come in led by the BJP. Their Prime
Ministerial candidate is Narendra Modi. He is registering an impact in
the electorate and amongst the people. He is getting recognised as a
fiercely capable and an independent leader who is going to drive the
Indian election to an unprecedented victory for the BJP. These are the
predictions of political analysts.
Q: What does it mean for Sri Lanka?
A: Even now the Indian foreign policy as far as Sri Lanka is
concerned, getting heavily influenced by Tamil Nadu. This was evident in
2013 when Dr. Manmohan Singh was speaking on Sri Lanka's resolution, He
was virtually holding a brief not for the Government of SL or in terms
of bi-lateral relations, but largely in terms of the Tamil Nadu impact.
Everyone will stick to that policy because the parties want to form a
Government. Regional leaders help maintain the majority in parliament.
In this backdrop, Chief Minister Jayalalitha will be a formidable,
recognisable and a capable regional leader who will influence the
formation of the next government in India. Therefore we have to study,
her reflections on Sri Lanka in terms of the so called international
investigation the US is seeking. With that we have to plan not only,
post Geneva strategy after March, but post Indian parliamentary
elections strategy as well.
A new Government in India will be a challenge and an opportunity – a
challenge because we have to understand the new issues. We have worked
with the Congress and PM Manmohan Singh. But BJP's positioning of India
– Sri Lanka relations, we are yet to know. That is a challenge but if
you study it well and make the right approach, we may be able to turn it
into a winner.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa as a leader commands the majority support
of the people. Equally he has to get the reflections of the Indian
leadership in navigating this interim period where international
pressure is now mounting on Sri Lanka. This is an opportunity for Sri
Lanka to engage in a very vigorous manner with the Indian Leaders.
Q: Is it possible for Sri Lankan Government to have cordial
relations with Tamil Nadu state government given that the LTTE elements
there have done much damage to ensure the two stay apart?
A: Jayalalitha had remained a committed advocate of a
political line of development for the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. A
reason behind Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's Indo-Lanka peace accord
during President J.R. Jayawardena, resulting in the 13th Amendment.
Jayalalitha had remained an advocate of devolution. And devolution to
the extent of large autonomous Tamil administration in the North. She
had been very frank and open about it.
Her regional party is dictating on the thinking of the Tamil polity
in Sri Lanka and their supporters in South India and having a nexus with
The nexus with Tamil Nadu and Delhi is measured not only on grounds
of Sri Lanka, it has various other connotations, social, economic and
political. The survival of Government in Delhi will largely depend on
the strength they get from Tamil Nadu and Jayalalitha is a key factor
Q: How can we get about it?
A: We have to now look at a new agenda being created for our
relations, taking on our strengths where Tamil people are treated
equally. I think President Mahinda Rajapaksa, can claim a lot of credit
for that. No earlier leader in Sri Lanka has held elections in the
Northern province. President Jayawardena could not hold elections.
After the 13th amendment was brought in, Varadaraja Perumal declared
a separate state. Subsequently the Northern PC was in a state of
inaction during the terms of three former Presidents - President
Premadasa, D.B.Wijetunga and Chandrika Kumaratunga.
Today within about 36 months of defeating terrorism, President
Rajapaksa was able to restore democracy in the North with a provincial
administration. For the first time, all nine Provincial Councils are
functioning today. President Rajapaksa appointed the Northern
administration not because it is within the constitution of Sri Lanka.
It was timed to give the message that Tamil people are part of our
electoral make up as much as that of the administrative development.
That must have been the thinking of the President in holding the
elections without waiting for all the ‘post-terrorism’ development work
and rehabilitation to complete. The results spoke for itself that the
election was free and fair. He knew the result in advance since the
majority in the NP were Tamil.
He played broad politics, not narrow politics. This is a major
stepping stone for our relationship with Jayalalitha and Delhi in the
years to come. The social impact of the overall peace and development
associated with economic pursuits of the people are other positives.
We have to position our relations in terms of people centric rather
than of Tamil Nadu and Jaffna or Delhi and Colombo centric.
We have to throw some proactive items in the bi-lateral agenda
between Delhi and Colombo. If we are to work with Narendra Modi as PM,
we need to know how he look at fundamental issues in terms of
relationship – whether he likes to sacrifice our relationship due to
some hold up situations concerning the Tamil people, weather he would
not want to have Sri Lanka as one of its closest partners for the
greater good of the Indian ocean ring economies, of which Sri Lanka can
be a valuable partner.
And also the inter trade and intra trade within the SAARC region,
increased trade positiveness and trade balance are some of the items
that can be thrown in the BJP agenda.
Q: Sri Lanka has achieved a lot in the past nearly five years
after the end of terrorism, a fact many visiting foreign dignitaries
have admitted, but the international community or India for that matter
seem less convinced. Why?
A: I think there is a historical factor there. We have to
understand that. Sri Lanka's developments are not new to UNHCR and the
United Nations of New York. They were aware of the fact that we have
been fighting a bitter, conflict with the world's most gruesome
terrorist group which believed in nothing but destruction and killing of
innocent. We have been asking for humanitarian assistance during the
humanitarian operation. UN gave us assistance through WFP, they ran
camps, we had ICRC, we had many Western missions including the Sri Lanka
Monitoring mission led by Norway.
Sri Lanka was part of a major global exposure, when we entered the
final phase of battle with the LTTE after Mavil Aru, the world was ready
for such a development. That is why they did not try to stop us. If they
wanted they could have easily got before the Security Council or the
UNHRC and moved us to a restrictive position.
But nothing of that was experienced, because Sri Lanka was
transparent. I as Foreign Minister, regularly lobbied the countries
across the world. When there was a resolution and a motion to be
discussed in the UK's House of Commons, I used to contact the relevant
parties and explain our situation and seek answers for their action,
then they will in tern give us an explanation.
This was the manner in which we engaged the entire world community.
There were regular exchange of information, not each others’ views. We
readily gave them information, in addition to their missions reporting
them of what was happening. A lot of Foreign ministers used to call me
and inquire about certain incidents - our explanation went a long way -
so they did not restrict us from our actions.
They knew our country had to fight terrorism, and in a manner that we
can defeat terrorism but not nurture terrorism. That is why there was no
need to manufacture arms in Sri Lanka, they came from abroad via
international sea lanes and air lanes. No one said these arms are coming
to ‘liquidate’ the civilian population of the North.
But there were situations where I used to complain to the UN bodies
based in Colombo, that LTTE was using some of the UN armoured vehicles,
meant only for UN.
I used to summon Buhne and ask why they are being found in LTTE
hands, they had sufficient explanations to offer, that they have either
been hijacked or the drivers have vanished with them. It showed the type
of closeness we maintained.
From Pooneryn to the final point in Mullaitivu lagoon, the world saw
how LTTE held a human shield. I have shown photographs to my
counterparts how LTTE cadres fire at Tamil civilians to prevent them
from fleeing.
We took the international community to the operations rooms to
witness how the operations continue. Today they have found, among many
things that Sri Lanka has to answer accountability issues.
When the UN Secretary General Banki Moon came to Sri Lanka on May 23,
2009, I accompanied him during his 14-16 hours of stay here. He
travelled with me, he witnessed the key places of the humanitarian
operation, we exchanged views and finally there was a joint statement.
In that the devotion for accountability was only one line, where Sri
Lanka will take steps in terms of accountability.
In the statement there were no mentioning that Sri Lanka has
committed war crimes. In fact, the UN would have known that there were
crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc by then. At that time they
could have insisted that Sri Lanka has to account for war crimes, but
there were no such things. Individual countries have now got into the
bandwagon including the US. Nowhere I have seen a country specific
resolution being repeated like this. The US moved the first one in 2012
and without waiting for any action to materialise within 12 months or 11
months they bring in the next resolution and again a third. It has
become routine. UNHRC in Geneva has been made a post box in order to
communicate matters to Sri Lanka.
The UK did not subscribe to the US draft resolution on Sri Lanka but
Prime Minister David Cameron few days ago came out and said they want to
support it.
Q: The US resolution does not speak of an international probe?
A: Though they don't speak directly, it creates path for an
international probe. They talk of an oversight by the High commissioner.
It is like asking Sri Lanka to to do something under the supervision of
another body. The Human Rights High Commissioner can direct the
operation and if we fail in terms of their expected yard stick, she may
report it to the Secretary General who in tern can move a procedural
resolution in the Security Council. There can be a chain effect. It is
not as innocent as it looks.
It has been build up with a lot of intricate, penetrating diplomatic
know how to impose the will of the UNHRC on Sri Lanka. If they called
for an international probe in plain terms, we could have easily rejected
It's a matter of US stand, it has shown that they can muster their
numbers. We can leave aside the issue of numbers. But morally we have a
right to defend ourselves. And we can talk to the world at large, what
are they trying to seek in terms of an international probe, when Sri
Lanka has means, mechanisms and the capacity within which are well
established. We follow the English law, we follow the Roman Dutch law as
our common law, we follow the statutes. The Governments get elected in
Sri Lanka at regular elections.
The electoral process is very much transparent. These are the issues
that we have to now confront.
Q: What should be the main thrust of our fight back in Geneva?
A: I would not like to use the word fight. I like to use the
word engage. We must engage with the member countries of the UNHRC, that
engagement should be in terms of ‘substance’ not ‘rhetoric'. We have a
lot that we can share with all those member countries in terms of very
meritorious developments in Sri Lanka. Where Sri Lanka today and where
Sri Lanka four years ago, can be measured, judged and gauge. Wouldn't
every country concede to that when they say there were excesses. We need
to get this excesses game sorted out. They talk about these excesses in
terms of their own assessments.
It is apparent, come January, February all the allegations surface
and subside after UNHRC sessions. In the Western capitals, the talk
about excesses, abuses, gruesome killings take centre stage during this
time around. Even the timing of Channel 4 documentaries needs attention.
Why is this so? If such things happened we have to answer. But non of
the so
called allegers share information sufficiently with us. This is the
very reason why government had to react in this manner. I am against
reaction, I am more for proactive engagement which brings positive
results. We, too, must not respond during the HRC sessions to say what
we want and then forget matters. We need to be consistent. President
Rajapaksa doesn't wait for someone to tell where to build the next road,
when to open it and where to set up the next township or housing
project. He addresses the issues as required. That should be the way
This is not the first time Sri Lanka is facing a similar situation.
We had similar phases during the time of JVP insurrection in ‘88-'89,
and also in 1971. The Commissions of Inquiry were held. We have the
Presidential Commission of Inquiry within our statute, and Special
Commissions of Inquiry in terms of the 1947 constitution. There are
statutes to support these. Sri Lanka has the domestic means to address
We can decide the course we should embark on. This is where we can
bring out a very positive development for member states to share with
us. When we don't engage with them enough, the member countries are
getting dictated by the US. They muscle their way into the UNHRC, and if
we keep quite the members have no choice but to believe them. I met the
afghan Foreign Minister when he accompanied President Karzai on his tour
in Sri Lanka.
He said President was amazed to see the development in Sri Lanka
since his last visit in 2008.
The Japanese ambassador to Sri Lanka who was with the President after
the opening the Kottawa - Kaduwela outer circular road a few days ago
said, in my presence, that Sri Lanka is registering a marked development
- a trajectory for development where other countries can witness.
It has been possible because we freed ourselves from terrorism.
At the same time there have been allegations of human rights
violations, that can be addressed and investigated through domestic
This is the trajectory that we must move on.
Then the member countries will speak on behalf of us.
The big countries are playing this game because we don't talk enough
in terms of what we are doing in this country.
So there is a void that the West think that they can fill through
their Agenda.
Q: UK and the US were one of the first countries to ban the
A: The ban is still there. two days ago they re-imposed the
ban on LTTE. It shows that they are also concerned, the LTTE can raise
their head from some corner though they are completely eliminated out of
Sri Lanka.
Given the slightest chance, terrorist movements have the tendency of
raising their head, new leaders get created by their own doctrines and
Another madman like Prabhakaran is enough for an organisation to
build up.
Q: Do you share the view that this resolution is ‘highly
intrusive’ and ‘violate the constitution’ of Sri Lanka?
A: In my opinion, the resolution is entering the Sri Lankan
domain because from outside they are seeking a mandate for a
implementable trajectory to be created within the sovereign state of Sri
Lanka. A country's supremacy has to be recognised by the world body as
much as member countries.
The UN body to enter Sri Lanka domain and move Sri Lanka to engage in
a process of investigation under their oversight is definitely a
‘tampering’ with Sri Lanka's integrity and sovereignty.
You may have a debate if this violate the constitutions or not but I
would like to term it as ‘tampering'.
Q: Sri Lanka has launched an offensive in Geneva, so you think
that is not the way to address the issue?
A: What I said was how I look at matters. Fight is not the
right path. But now, one may ask what can you do when you are being
pushed against the wall. How do we react to that.
What I said was to engage and explain before you come to the stage
where you have to fight. Some may say, no explanation will register any
positive impact. But keep on engaging at the highest level, the US
decision making process like the Congress, white House, advisers, make
them a part of your agenda.
Fighting is a one-off situation in my opinion. We have to live in the
post Geneva ...development also. We need to position Sri Lanka well vis
a vie that of the international community, in an equal footing.
We must get Secretary John Kerry to visit Sri Lanka and be part of
Sri Lanka's development agenda. We are trading partners.
The US will not give us multi-fibre concession rates and grant quotas
for Sri Lankan Apparel in the US markets if there is no benefit for
them. A lot of things we can measure on equal footing.
Q: How detrimental will it be for Sri Lanka, if we lose the
third negative resolution?
A: Any resolution that puts us on an agenda within the UN
system is detrimental. Nothing good can come out of such a situation.
If they are unreasonably putting a country on the UN agenda, you have
means to get yourself out of that. You must use the same means which put
you in that situation to come out - you have to be optimistic and engage
with the member states.
We have a history beyond United States where we have sent emissaries
to Rome to canvass Roman Empire some 1,500 ago.
I think still there is a silver lining that we can work on.
Engagement is the key for greater good of the country, we can fight and
we can use whatever term but in the post Geneva we must create
opportunity for us to have widest possible engagement, I strongly
believe in diplomacy as a means to overcome challenges. |