Blazing inferno kills family of five
By Ananda Agalakada
The sacred city of Kataragama was in shock on hearing the news of the
gruesome deaths of an entire family. The burnt and charred bodies were
lined up in the morgue, some even beyond identification. The bodies of
the entire family, including the perpetrator's who caused this mayhem
was lying in the cold concrete of the hospital as people kept saying,
Could this happen?
The 33-year-old-Sabitha was a resident in Rajamawatha, Kataragama.
She lived with her little daughter and elderly parents who were very
ill. She came from a poor family and as a result had to give up
schooling early and support the family instead. At an early age Sabitha
began to earn money by engaging in odd jobs as well as producing sweets
( kalu dodol ) to sell to the pilgrims. She had to look after her ailing
parents, especially her paralysed mother.
Ekanayaka Mudiyanselage Chandrakeerthi was a handsome youth in the
area of Katargama. He had seen Sabitha and was attracted to her. It did
not take long for Chandrakeerthi to express what was in his mind to
Sabitha. Sabitha who was burdened with the life's chores at an early
age, saw a lifeline to happiness. It did not take her long to say ‘yes’
to Chandrakeerthi's offer. Before long they got married with the
blessings of both families. Chandrakeerthi owned a landmaster and used
the earnings he made from it to keep his family going.
However, before long trouble began to brew between Chandrakeerthi and
Sabitha. This was mainly due to Sabitha refusing to live with
Chandrakeerthi at his sister’s house. As Chandrakeerthi did not own a
house he used to live at his sisters.
However Sabitha refused to move with her daughter to this place as
she did not want to leave her ailing parents. She knew if she left there
would be nobody to look after them. She always respected and cared for
her parents and looked after them well.
Chandrakeerthi was also addicted to liquor and at times became
violent under the influence of it. On such occasions he also used to
assault his wife.
The parents of Sabitha were very angry about Chandrakeerthi's
behaviour. One day Sabitha's ailing mother had even resorted to assault
Chandrakeerthi with a cane.
Slowly Chandrakeerthi developed a hatred for Sabitha and her family.
One day Chandrakeerthi visited Sabitha's house. He also took with him
a packet of biscuits. Sabitha rejected the packet of biscuits which was
given for his daughter. Chandrakeerthi had a quarrel with his wife and
her parents and he returned home in a fit of rage.
On that fateful day Chandrakeerthi consumed more liquor than he
usually does. He later went to his wife’s house, where an argument
ensued again. Then Chandrakeerthi in a fit of rage had stabbed Sabitha
with a knife several times. Then he took a bottle of petrol which he had
in a bag and poured it all over the house and set it on fire.

The slain Chandrakeerthi and Sabeetha with their daughter |
The wood shack caught fire easily and it spread quickly. It did not
take long for the fire to engulf the whole house. The family screamed
and the neighbours on hearing the screams ran to the burning house.
However, their effort to douse the fire was not successful as it had
developed in to a raging inferno.
Sabitha, her little daughter, paralysed mother, disabled sister and
father were engulfed in the huge fire. Chandrakeerthi who had caused
this mayhem meanwhile tried to get out. But in his drunken stupor he
could not find the door.
As smoke surrounded him and the fire came closer Chandrakeerthi
screamed like an animal. Slowly his cries died down and he became a
victim of the fire he had made.
In the meantime, the neighbours who had rushed to the scene were able
to bring the fire under control with the aid of the police. They were
able to pull out Sabitha, her daughter and father out.
But they were severely burnt. However, the others had perished and
their bodies were beyond recognition.
Sabitha’s mother, her sister and husband died in the fire. Although
Sabitha, her daughter and father were admitted to the Kataragama
hospital by neighbours they also succumbed to their injuries later.
One of the neighbours relating his experience said, “while I was
watching TV at night I heard a woman shouting for help. When I came out
I saw Sabitha's house on fire.
I ran to the location and saw Sabitha struggling in the fire. She saw
me and asked me to rescue her. I shouted for others and we all tried to
rescue the people inside and douse the fire”.
The neighbour further said Sabitha after been pulled out had said she
and her daughter were stabbed by Chandrakeerthi before he set the house
on fire. “We rushed Sabitha and her daughter to the Kataragama hospital.
Later I had come to know Sabitha’s disabled sister and father was
admitted to the hospital as well,” he said.
According to the Kataragama police, Sabitha, before she had died, had
told them it was her husband who had set fire to the house. Kataragama
police OIC C.I. Laksiri Chandimal and OIC crime IP M.D.S. Nandana are
conducting investigations on the instructions of SP Sisira Kumara and
Senior DIG Chandana Wickramaratne in Southern police division.