Pensioners' request heeded
by S.M. Wijayaratne, Kurunegala Cor.
"Pension Department is now making arrangements to pay the two years
pension gratuities to government pensioners before the forthcoming new
year in April this year. The Director General of Pensions Sunil
Hettiarachchi told Sunday Observer that the Minister of Public
Administration and Home Affairs W.D.J. Seneviratne has solved the
disputes with regard to the payment of pension gratuities to the
government pensioners by now. This pension gratuity can be obtained by
pensioners from a state bank or the way that they have received their
pensions up to now.
The interest thus to be paid would be borne by the government as it
was done earlier. "About 13,200 pensioners have asked for pension
gratuities and they would be granted soon, said Sunil Hettiarachchi to
Sunday Observer recently. |