The Tibetan patriot
Tibetan S.Mahinda Thera's name is a household name today in Sri
Lanka. He lines up with the top patriots of the island and classes in
schools, on days such as the Independence day are redolent with the
sentiments expressed in his poems aimed at rousing national frenzy.
Time when his ideas and sentiments sizzled was somewhere in the mid
20th century though he still continues to glow among the Sinhala
Buddhist populace. But few seem to be aware that he hails from a distant
country named Sikkim that constitutes the 22nd State of India or
Bharatha Desha and that his anti-colonial feelings had already got baked
there. That needs some explanation.

Ven. S. Mahinda Thera. |
If one gets curious as to what energised the young Tibetan Bhikkhu
who came from Sikkim to get into a fit of preserving the identity of the
island race, what was happening in Sikkim at the time he left these
snowy Himalayan foothills provides the answer. Sikkim was on its way to
losing her identity under the boots of imperialism and the boy, Pempa
Thendupi Serki Cherin (Mahinda Thera's lay name )was too small to
retaliate. What did he do? Once coming over to Lanka on a scholarship
granted by king of Sikkim, on the request of his elder brother, he
transposed all his national sentiments on to the Sinhala race.
It is indeed a unique story and it even seems to confuse the
suppositions that are ingrained in the concepts of nationalism. To put
things more clearly one need not be born a Sinhala Buddhist to carry the
bandwagons for that identity.
How Serki the boy who was unable to wage the battle against the
imperialists in his own country due to his kinsmen being too bonded to
the White rulers let out his frustrations here is evident. This needs
examining the social structure of Sikkim.with its affinity to Tibet,
adding on the prefix Tibetan to Mahinda thera. Culture wise and
religion-wise Sikkim was very similar to our country.
It was a Buddhist country inhabited by two clans, Lepchas and the
Bhutias. Life went on with the two clans living in harmony while drums
gonged in temples and echoed around the gorgeous Himalayan range..
The sonorous chants of saffron robed monks added to the native ethos
of the environment.
From the 17th century however had seeped in a new race to India,
first in the form of a trading company ie. the British East India
Company. Local rulers were in disarray and the foreigners found a vast
hunting ground to fatten their resources. One by one states of India
fell into their hands as the Company got the blessings of the State of
England too. Sikkim was soon to succumb but not rapidly. The clans held
fast to their native bonds and then the imperialists performed their
famous tricks. Hindu Gorkhas from Nepal were brought in large numbers
and dissension set in. A House Divided is an easy prey. Sikkim was
Its main city, Darjeeling was made into a holiday resort for the
English men. Sikkim's total eclipse as a separate state however came
after India gained her independence. Riots began and Indian armies aided
by the Nepalese quelled the riots that ended with an India-Sikkim
agreement. Sikkim became a protectorate of India but by that time one of
its most brilliant citizens was here in Sri Lanka composing verses for
his books such as Nidahase Dahana (mantram of independence) to arouse
sleeping Lankans from their lazy slumbers.
He left Sikkim in a very confused state of its history. Many are
under the belief that Mahinda Thera was an orphan handed over to
Mahabodhi Sociey to be sent to Ceylon. But actually he had belonged to a
very well-known and affluent family in Sikkim. His father had headed a
large Buddhist temple named Gutiabasthi Vihara that by its very name
implies that it catered to the two main clans of Sikkim. This temple had
been later shifted since its drums disturbed rituals of a church built
in the proximity to cater to the Westerners. His elder brother had been
a lecturer at Calcutta University who after the father's death came back
to head a prestigious school where the son of the king of Sikkim himself
had studied. This son was later to go on to Oxford.
State decree
But the clouds were already gathering around the independent boy,
Serkey (Mahinda). He felt which way the winds were blowing.
The identity of Sikkim was at stake. A State decree stipulated that
Buddhism and Tibetan culture should do their exit from the school
curriculum. The king himself had got brainwashed and was under
obligation to the British who has sent his son overseas.
One fine day Serkey (Mahinda, that was the name given after he came
here and got enrobed) and his brother vanished from the school headed by
the elder brother.
They were brought back. At this time Ven. Ganathiloka, the German
monk who was residing at Polgasduwa off Hikkaduwa was on a visit to
Sikkim. Perhaps he was responsible for sending the boy over here for a
Buddhist education on a scholarship that endowed six rupees for
sustenance for a whole year! Sikkim today according to sources is so
different from what it was originally. The Buddhist Lipta clan is almost
non-existent. And the Nepalese Buddhists come over are today mostly
Catholics. Gangtok, the capital is almost a Christian city.
What happened to the royal dynasty that had held sway in Sikkim for
centuries? No they were not deported to Vellore as done here. They
stayed on in Sikkim utterly powerless till the one who had claims to the
rights to the throne passed away in 1977 under mysterious circumstances.
Some ascribe it to a motor accident. His father, Thendup Namgyal, school
mate of Mahinda Thera the last reigning monarch of Sikkim like Sri
Wickrema had even a stranger history. He had succumbed to the charms of
a female American missionary busy converting local Gusthis and Lepchas
and married her. They were allowed to live in the palace even after the
political changes. But after the crown prince's death things became too
unbearable and the whole family shifted to New York.
There his wife left him for another and the ex-king had died all
alone having succumbed to cancer. The king had another son, who was the
second heir to the throne but he got so disillusioned by all what was
happening that he took to robes and retreated to a hermitage.
Two children born later to the American wife of the king, named Hope
and Paldane are said to still live in America.
More strangely they are said to be strongly resistant to American
influences and have found life mates of Sikkim nationality.
Even the relations of S. Mahinda Thera continue to live in
Kalingphone of Sikkim and continue as fervent Buddhists, some even
taking to robes. It was they who had supplied much information to
Missaka Kamalasiri Thera, who has written one whole book encasing these
The truth is stronger than fiction. But how much the beautiful snowy
slopes of the Himalayas miss the sacred gongs of Buddhist Sikkim is only
left to guesswork. And one boy who was disenchanted with the way his
country was going, thought it fit to demonstrate his anti-imperialist
feelings in his adopted country of Sri Lanka.