Pillay acted to the whims of Western forces
By K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
Over the years the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) was
made a safe haven for anti-Sri Lankan elements, especially a few Western
godfathers and the LTTE rump, which had been conspiring against the
legitimate Government during the time of its chief Navi Pillay.

People displaced due to terrorism returning to their villages
after the Tigers were militarily defeated. - File photo |
The moderate people the world over did not wish to look at the UNHRC
with suspicion due to an individual and the high handed acts of Pillay.
That was because the UNHRC had originally been formed with the good
intention of protecting human rights.
Unfortunately, a few powerful nations had used the UNHRC as a
platform to use human rights as a tool to intimidate countries which
does not dance to their tune. Pillay merely acted to the whims and
fancies of those Western forces.
However, we thought Pillay’s successor would not adopt the same views
and face the challenge in a transparent manner, without allowing the
LTTE rump to manipulate things and prevent the Tiger rump using the
UNHRC as a stage to echo their separatist agenda.
How far the new UNHRC chief Zeid Al Hussein be successful in
reinstating the reputation of the UN human rights body is left to be
Child soldiers
Northern Provincial Council member Ananthi Sasitharan had met the new
UN Commissioner on Human Rights Zeid Al Hussein during a social
gathering held on Child and Women welfare at the Office of the United
Nation Human Rights Commission in Geneva recently.
Reports said that Sasitharan briefed the UNHRC chief on the issues
faced by Sri Lankan women and children, especially in the North and
East. Fellow NPC member T. Raviharen had also participated in the
We wonder whether Prince Zeid Al Hussein knows the true colours of
Sasitharan, whose husband was responsible of killing thousands of people
during the LTTE terror.
Her husband Elilan, a top LTTE leader, was responsible of dragging
young Tamil boys from their homes and forcing them to serve as the child
soldiers in the LTTE child brigade.
Now that her husband is dead during the humanitarian operation,
Sasitharan has put an innocent mask to woo international sympathy.
She has conveniently forgotten that her ‘missing’ husband was
responsible for forcibly taking away scores of children and men during
the last stages of the battle against terrorism

Sasitharan's husband Elilan, a top LTTE leader, was responsible
of dragging young Tamil boys from their homes and forcing them
to serve as the soldiers in the LTTE. Here a group of child
soldiers who surrendered to the army. - File photo |
Has the UNHRC forgotten or ignored these stark facts when she was
allowed to meet Prince Hussein? On a previous occasion too, she was
given airtime of NGOs representing causes of other countries to bemoan
about a ‘missing’ LTTE terrorist leader.
Terrorist husband
On that occasion, the Geneva gathering, while holding buckets for
Ananthi's tears did not stop to wonder how ‘innocent’ Elilan actually
On June 5, 2014 over 300 protesters showed exactly what Sasitharan’s
‘missing’ husband Elilan had been upto. UNHRC, at least at this late
stage, must stop and wonder whether they should moan the LTTE leader or
the hundreds of missing children and men whose fate was only known to
the LTTE. What puzzles peace-loving people across the globe as to why
the hub of human rights chose not to ask the question from the spouse
herself as she sat before the Geneva gathering shedding crocodile tears
and even shook hands with the new UNHRC chief.
Sasitharan had the shock of her life when she arrived at the
Mullaitivu Magistrates courts on July 21 for the continuation of the
case filed by her. She would never have expected hundreds of Tamils to
brave the scorching heat to protest and demand to know what Sasitharan
and her terrorist husband – senior LTTE leader Elilan, had done to their
children. The situation became even worse when Sasitharan had to
eventually seek solace of the Security Forces she and the TNA want to
throw out of the North.
Unfortunately, certain countries in the West have conveniently
forgotten the notorious track record of Ealilan. What was Sasitharan
doing when her beloved husband was hunting for Tamil youth, to be
forcibly recruited in the LTTE as child soldiers? Why was Sasitharan
given airtime of NGOs representing other nations to stand before the UN
and talk about her ‘missing’ LTTE husband?
If Sasitharan had been a strong campaigner for human rights, she
would have done it when her husband was alive, protesting the
uncountable number of such violations by the terror outfit of which her
husband was a senior leader. But she had not uttered a word on human
rights when the LTTE was at its best, killing thousands of innocent
people by exploding massive bombs and dragging children from their homes
at gunpoint to enroll into the Tiger child brigade. Where was Sasitharan
She had been a firm admirer of the terror outfit of which her husband
served as top most leader. Elilan is a man who had done nothing but
unleashed misery not only to the Tamils in the North and the East but
also to 21 million people in the country. Sasitharan had turned a human
rights activist overnight after the death of her husband notorious for
These are the stark facts the new UNHRC chief should take into
consideration before shaking hand with a woman with such disgraceful
record. Sasitharan is taking cover of human rights to hide her sins and
support the LTTE rump. Her intension is not to voice for human rights of
Tamils but use human rights as a tool to discredit Sri Lanka and its
Government, thereby supporting the Tiger rump.
Sasitharan should understand that Tamil politicians have regained
their right to indulge in party politics because the LTTE was militarily
When the Tigers in their brilliant best, they did not permit Tamil
politicians to express various views and continue politics in the two
Instead, the LTTE silenced the democratic Tamil leaders at gunpoint
and they had no option but to fall in line with the LTTE due to fear of
their lives. Even Sasitharan would not have got this political freedom
if her terrorist husband had been alive.
Hence, Sasitharan should be grateful to the Security Forces for
eradicating terrorism to create a peaceful atmosphere for all
communities to live in perfect peace and harmony.
If terrorism has not been eradicated under the political sagacity of
President Mahinda Rajapaksa we would have still been subjected to LTTE
bombs and mass-scale devastations.
As President had disclosed at the inauguration of the 8th General
Assembly of the ‘International Conference of Asian Political Parties’ (ICAPP)
at the Nelum Pokuna on Friday, external forces under the guise of
democracy and other enticing slogans sought to interfere in the internal
affairs of other countries.
In today’s emerging trends in the world, including in parts of Asia
have given signals that alarmed the Asian Community.
They show little concern about destabilising nations. External forces
encouraged domestic disharmony and Asian countries have seen how the
media including social media is being used by the forces that are
continuing the cause of division, separation and terror.
As we seek to harvest the fruits of economic growth in the Asian
Century we have also to look at unity in facing up to other issues of
importance that are important to build peace and stability in Asia. If
the Asians are united, no force on Earth, especially those in the West,
could not meddle in internal affairs of Asian countries.
Each time the West has meddled in Asian affairs, they had aggravated
the situations in those countries. Lives of over 1.5 million Iraqi
people would have been saved if US did not illegally invade that
country, occupy and take over assets belonging to Iraq which has been
going on without abatement for the last 10 years.
Thanks to the unmatched political leadership of President Rajapaksa,
Sri Lanka beat all overwhelming odds to get rid of the scourge of LTTE
terrorism. While the US, UK and other countries in the West still
struggle to overcome terrorism in their countries, Sri Lanka has been a
shining example. But those so-called godfathers in democracy and
champions of human rights are reluctant to admit that.
They often undermine Sri Lanka’s Hurculine achievements in the
battlefield against the world’s most ruthless terrorist outfit, instead
of making use of the country’s expertise to crush world terrorism.
What the US-led NATO forces have failed in Iraq and Afghanistan for
years has been achieved by Sri Lanka’s valiant Security Forces in little
over three years.
Sri Lanka is the first and the only country to eradicate terrorism.
Does the West feel ashamed to admit this stark fact? If not, they should
have grabbed Sri Lanka’s first-hand experience to save thousands of
people who are being killed due to terrorist acts in the world.
If those who shed buckets of crocodile tear on human rights
violations and victims of terrorism are sincerely interested in
practising what they preach, Sri Lanka’s shining example in eradicating
terrorism could be used as a role model to save lived of thousands of
people the world over.
Instead, they continue to exert undue pressure on Sri Lanka by
levelling baseless human rights allegations because they do not like to
admit that a country such as Sri Lanka had achieved such impossible
task. Moreover, certain Western countries do not like Sri Lanka
overcoming terrorism and heading towards economic prosperity.
They wish most small countries battling with never-ending problems so
that the West could continue to dictate terms.