Lanka to launch solar hydro integrated project
By Lalin Fernandopulle
Sri Lanka has huge potential to generate solar and hydro power as the
country has enormous natural resources, Hanergy Group China, Vice
President Helen Zhang told a seminar on ‘Solar Energy- Integrating Solar
and Hydro Power Sources for Sri Lanka' in Colombo last week.
She said that Sri Lanka has solar energy and water resources compared
to many other countries, which is a distinct advantage to harness the
resources for power generation that would help the country save on
costly conventional energy sources and promote clean energy.
Sri Lanka's average sun hours per day is 5-5.9 hrs while in Germany
it is 2.2 hours a day.
“Conventional energy sources such as oil, coal, peat, uranium are
depleting rapidly in the world, which is now focusing on harnessing
non-conventional or renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, tidal
wave, biomass and hydro for power generation which is cheap and
environment friendly," Zhang said.
Energy sector experts believe that all conventional energy sources
will become rare, endangered and extinct as they produce a large amount
of carbon dioxide that adds to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere
and all non-conventional sources will become conventional, common as
they are free, green and emit no carbon dioxide.
The seminar was organized by Meewella Holdings and Hanergy China and
China Manufacturing Corporation which is a leading manufacturing company
in China.
Sri Lanka spends a staggering amount each year on costly thermal
power based electricity generation as hydro and solar power generation
has not being fully harnessed. The weather pattern and drop in water
levels also affects hydro power generation. Sri Lanka targets to achieve
20 percent power generation through renewable energy sources by 2020 and
100 percent electrification of households by 2015. Few private sector
entities operate mini hydro plants and windmills in Sri Lanka.Setting up
the largest solar hydro power project will boost cost effective
sustainable development in the country.
The project will mark a new beginning in the power sector in Sri
Lanka. "We are confident that Sri Lanka will gain immensely from the
solar hydro power integrated project and fight climate change more
effectively,” Zhang said.
The Hanergy Group is a clean energy power generation company. private
clean electric power enterprise. |