SLT holds SME customer forum
Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT)completed another customer forum on the theme
'Beyond Borders' for SME customers in the Nuwara Eliya and Hatton areas
of the Uva Province.

At the launch the SLT forum for SME customers in Nuwara
Eliya. |
The customer forum was held at Hotel Alpine, Nuwara Eliya. Mayor of
Nuwara Eliya Mahinda Dodampegamage and Divisional Secretary, Nuwara
Eliya, Ms. Bodhimanna, Chief Regional Officer, SLT, Chinthaka
Wijesooriya and Chief Marketing Officer, SLT, Roshan Kaluarachchi and
SLT officials were also present.
The customer forum was held to share ideas on improving small and
medium enterprises since these companies make a significant contribution
towards the development of the country.
The forum comprised a live demonstration of SME products such as SLT
Teltab (the new fixed smart phone), PEO TV and surveillance camera
system and presentations on the latest information technology and
communication services provided by the company including Cloud
The forum focused on ways in which the daily business activities of
such enterprises could be conducted effectively.
This event was part of a series of SME customer fora conducted by Sri
Lanka Telecom throughout the country. One of the key underlying
objectives of these fora is to enhance and strengthen the relationship
between Sri Lanka Telecom and customers. This forum was conducted under
the theme 'Beyond Borders', in line with the company's customer care and
customer centric initiatives.
Enhancing the living standards of the entrepreneurs who contribute to
the development of Sri Lanka has been one of the top priorities of SLT.
Various telecommunication services have been provided to SMEs with
monthly payment facilities where the initial cost has been borne by SLT.
Provincial Sales Manager and dedicated account managers have been
appointed to provide SME customers with friendly and customised
services. |