UNCTAD to tackle inequality through trade and development
There is a broad realisation by society today, that unsustainable
economic practices leading to the over-accumulation of wealth are not
only unfair, but can bring stagnation and conflict, UNCTAD
Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi told the sixty-first session of the
UNCTAD Trade and Development Board Meeting on Monday.
Dr. Kituyi was addressing global inequality and how it can be tackled
by the global development agenda that will replace the Millennium
Development Goals at the end of 2015.
"The proposal for the sustainable development goals, which will soon
be taken up by United Nations Members in New York, also reflect this
realisation with proposed Goal 10 on reducing inequality within and
among countries by 2030," he said.
The Trade and Development Board - which oversees UNCTAD operations
from year-to-year - opened its sixty-first session ( September 15-26)
with the election of Ambassador Ana Maria Menéndez Pérez of Spain as its
The Board's deliberations included presentations by Minister of Trade
and Industry of South Africa, Rob Davies, Giovanni Andrea Cornia of the
University of Florence and senior economist at the International Labour
Organisation, Sangheon Lee.
Davies said that inequality between and within developed and
developing countries could be tackled by restructuring global economic
relationships to allow for active policies for inclusive growth on the
part of developing countries in Africa and elsewhere.
Dr. Kituyi said, "The new global economy has brought with it immense
hopes but equally immense inequities.
In the past 50 years, we have seen promising declines in inequality
between countries as some developing countries have experienced strong
growth and have begun to close the gap between themselves and the
richest countries.
But compared to 50 years ago, today inequality within countries has
risen in a startling number of countries - both rich and poor." Earlier,
Dr. Kituyi told the Trade and Development Board that he welcomed the
fact that the emerging post-2015 agenda was likely to include trade as a
means of achieving the sustainable development goals.
Dr. Kituyi said that UNCTAD was well placed to make a contribution to
the "ambitious and transformative" new agenda.
"Our research can offer the facts needed to overcome differences, our
consensus-building can facilitate dialogue and our technical cooperation
can help us to work together to build capacities, particularly in
support of the most vulnerable countries," he said. |