SLT conducts ICT awareness program
Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT), the premier ICT solutions provider in Sri
Lanka, conducted an ICT awareness workshop at Anuradhapura recently with
the Regional Chamber of Commerce, Anuradhapura to enhance ICT literacy
The awareness workshop was conducted for the children of small and
medium sized enterprise (SME) customers in the Anuradhapura area. It was
held at the Regional Chamber Conference Hall at Anuradhapura.
The workshop comprised presentations on ICT for business,
connectivity solutions and cloud computing applications that are
relevant to today's market.
The workshop also included live demonstrations of products for the
SME sector such as internet services, new technology devices, cloud
computing solutions and surveillance camera systems, enabling students
to get hands-on experience of ICTs, with regards to these products and
Familiarising the younger generation with ICT and enhancing ICT
literacy across the country is crucial to ensure the sustainable
development of the country and to realise the Government's drive towards
creating a SMART Sri Lanka
under the Mahinda Chintha Vision for the Future.
As the national ICT solutions provider in the country, SLT has been
committed to enabling people and businesses through the creation of
robust ICT platforms and provision of total communication solutions.
This awareness program is a corporate soAcial responsibility
initiative embarked by the company, to educate the younger generations
on ICT to ensure a generation that is future ready and prepared to
embrace the challenges of the knowledge economy. |