BoC art competition concludes on Sept 30
The Bank of Ceylon (BoC) has organised an art competition for Ran
Kekulu account holders to mark the Bank's 75th anniversary.
The competition will be held under four categories. Category I -
Pre-schools, category II - Grades 1 to 5, category III - Grades 6 to 9,
and category IV - Grades 10 to 13. The winners of each category will be
entitled to visit Disneyland.
The competition which concludes on September 30, will be conducted in
two stages. Paintings will be displayed at provincial level and the
first, second and third places will be selected from each category. In
addition, 1,880 paintings will be selected for consolation prizes from
all provinces.
At provincial level, the winner will receive Rs. 20,000, a
certificate and the school - Rs.15,000.
The second placed winner - Rs.15,000, a certificate and Rs.10,000 for
the school and third place - Rs.10,000, a certificate and Rs. 5,000 for
the school.
Altogether 2,000 paintings will be selected for the national level
competition under four categories. Each painting that enters the
national level competition, stands a chance to win one of the four Hong
Kong Disneyland tours for the child accompanied by a parent.
At national level, the winner of the first place in the art
competition is entitled to a tour of Disneyland.
A certificate and a gold medal in recognition of the artistic talent
and the school attended by the child will receive Rs.15,000.
The second place winner will be entitled to a cash prize of
Rs.100,000, a gold medal and a certificate while the school will get
The third place winner will receive Rs.50,000, a gold medal and a
certificate while the school will get Rs.5,000. There will also be 10
merit awards for each of the four categories. |