Astrid Brooks |
Memorable country music
By Mahes Perera
The time has come for you to pull out your country shirts and slacks
from the closet and maybe the hat or sombrero that goes with your rodeo
outfit, be present at the country concert and sing your voice hoarse.
'Cause it's happening on Sunday October 5 the Country Roads concert at
the Mount Lavinia Hotel.
The Country Music Foundation together with the Mount Lavinia Hotel
will stage this long overdue happening that music lovers were looking
forward to.
This year the concert is titled 'Music with power to heal' and the
proceeds will go towards the betterment of the life of children.
Question: As head of the Country Music Foundation what is so
special about this year's presentation of Country Roads. Who will
benefit in accepting the proceeds?
Answer: This year we are working with the Planters'
Association and channelling the proceeds to help the child and the
mother working at the estates, a friendly initiative in the plantations
sector in partnership with 'Save the Children.
CMF is excited to be working on a new project with Save the
Foundation in enhancing the standard of living and the health status of
women and children thereby helping in aiming at a new quality standard
of Ceylon Tea.
Q: Who will be performing at this year's concert?
A: International favourites such as Mavericks from Germany and
Astrid Brook from UK. They will be joined by SMF's own Country Revival
Band and we are happy Thilan Wijesinghe is joining the band with us.
It's been quite some time since we heard him. Cosmic Rays will be
featured and the band Anno Domini. This concert on October 5 marks the
21st time Country Roads will be held in its 26-year journey, as the
longest running concert series in South Asia and probably Asia as well.

Dirk Maverick |
The Mavericks will be a four piece band comprising Dirk Maverick -
vocals/guitar, with bass, drums and another guitar. The program will
contain the well known Country favourites and the audience can expect a
new version of the popular 'Nobody's Child'. The Country favourites will
be from the 60s, 70s and the 80s in a three-hour presentation.
Q: You mentioned that CMF's Country Roads concerts have always
been staged to benefit children. Can you briefly enlighten us on the
areas you have reached out to.
A: Last year's 25th anniversary concert proceeds were utilised
by UNICEF Colombo in a program aiming at evolving a more sensitised
approach to handling cases involving children in which training and
awareness among magistrates and judges were given priority.
A series of workshops were held in May and June 2014 in this
connection and also field visits to the Ranmuthugala Certified School
for Girls, Ranmuthugala Remand Home for Girls, Makola Certified School
for Boys and the Makola Remand Home for Boys.
But that's not all. Over the years the funds have gone towards
building pre-schools and school buildings, providing learning and
teaching materials including libraries and books, tsunami relief,
drinking water, mosquito nets for children and many such requirements
for children island-wide.
Q: Before we close Faizal why is it we have to wait for
Country Roads to be staged. Why is it that in today's music industry
there is no frequent opportunity for country music fans to go enjoy the
music, such as for instance pop music or disco.
A: It's largely due to the fact that others in the field do
not come forward and organise country get-togethers. May be they have
their problems. Also in the category of pop music new country music in
not reflected in our music industry.

Thilan Wijesinghe |
In the early years, radio aired country music in it schedule of
programs as a special entity. Country music has its own following and
its amazing how many youth audience enjoy the music.
Astrid Brooks who will be in Sri Lanka for the Country Roads concert
is a popular folk singer in the UK who also composes her own songs.
According to the liner notes when she turned 20 her interest in folk and
country music began to grow and she began to develop her own style
playing her Tanglewood guitar.
Subsequently, recognised by producers she performed in the UK, had
performances in America, Canada, Nepal and this is her second visit to
Sri Lanka. After her album 'Wild River' which was an acoustic album,
Astrid Brooks is now working on her new album, her third album, which
she will release on her own record label.
Her interest in working for children's charities has her associated
closely with the Country Roads concerts. Apart from this concert on
October 5, Astrid Brooks will perform on Saturday October 4 at the
Terrace of the Mount Lavinia, Hotel from 7 p.m. She has expressed a wish
to rapport with Sri Lankan musicians, singers and lovers of folk and
country music - an opportunity that should not be missed. |