Turkey opens border to Syrian Kurds fleeing IS
20 Sep BBC
Turkey has allowed thousands of Syrian Kurds fleeing Islamic State
(IS) militants to cross its southern border, Prime Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu said.
TV footage showed exhausted people, mostly women and children,
crossing into the south-eastern border village of Dikmetas under tight
security. The move followed clashes with Turkish Kurd protesters who
were calling for the refugees to be allowed in.Syrian Kurds have been
massing along the Turkish border since Thursday.They have been fleeing
escalating clashes between IS and Kurdish fighters in the area.Turkey -
which shares a border with Iraq and Syria - has taken in more than
847,000 Syrian refugees since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad
began in 2011.
It is under pressure from Western countries to stem the flow of
foreign fighters joining Islamic State.Mr Davutoglu told reporters: “We
will take in our brothers fleeing... from Syria or any other place
without any ethnic or sectarian discrimination.
“We have taken in 4,000 brothers. The number might increase. Their
needs will be met. This is a humanitarian mission.ÓEarlier, Turkish
police and troops fired tear gas and water canon at scores of Turkish
Kurds protesting in Dikmetas against Turkey's earlier refusal to let the
refugees in, local media reported.
Officials had reportedly instructed those massed at the border to go
to the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane.However, correspondents say IS has
been closing in on the town, expelling Kurdish fighters from surrounding
The capture of Kobane would give IS control of a large strip of
Syria's northern border with Turkey, they say.IS has seized large areas
of Syria and Iraq but is being confronted in the north by Kurdish
fighters.Earlier this week, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey
was developing plans for a buffer zone on its border with Iraq and
Thirty countries have pledged to join a US-led coalition against the
militants but Turkey has said it will only allow humanitarian and
logistical operations from a Nato air base on its soil.Analysts say it
is reluctant to take a prominent role for fear of endangering 49 of its
citizens being held hostage by IS.