The greatest betrayal: Part three:
Even Chandrika and Anura betrayed the party founded
by their father :
by K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
The Sri Lanka Freedom Party is one of the two major political parties
in Sri Lanka which has governed the country on many occasions. The
country has been run by Presidents of SLFP-led coalitions for the past
two decades as the other main party, the UNP failed to make any impact
after the late President D.B. Wijetunge completed the remaining period
of late President R. Premadasa.
The SLFP was founded by the late Prime Minister S.W.R.D Bandaranaike
in 1951 and in next to no time, it gained support of the people to
challenge the established UNP. It first came to power in 1956 and since
then has been the predominant party in government on a number of
The SLFP has a proud history after its founder S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike
became the Prime Minister in 1956. His widow Sirimavo Bandaranaike
created history by becoming the world’s first woman prime minister in
1970. Unfortunately, two of their children betrayed the party and left
the SLFP for reasons better known to them.
First, it was the only son of the Bandaranaike family – Anura,
considered as the unofficial ‘crown prince’, who betrayed the party due
to differences with his mother. During the same era, another Maithripala
from Rajarata – Maithreepala Senanayake betrayed the SLFP.
It was pity that two of the three children in the Bandaranaike family
who took to politics in the SLFP let down the party which was formed by
their great father. Their younger daughter Chandrika too left the SLFP
along with her celluloid hero husband Vijaya Kumaranatunga and formed
Sri Lanka Mahajana Party (SLMP) in late 80s.
After the assassination of Vijaya, his widow made a wow before the
coffin of the popular actor turned politician. In forming the United
Socialist Alliance (USA) with two other parties in 1988, Chandrika vowed
to take the SLMP policies forward. But within weeks, she fled to the UK
with her two children.
She returned to the country in 1993 and a few SLFP seniors pardoned
her and invited Chandrika to join the SLFP. In next to no time Chandrika
was lucky to reach the pinnacle of her political career – Chief Minister
of the Western Provincial Council, Prime Minister and finally the
President in1994.
She held the Executive Presidency for two successive terms. But after
running the country for 11 long years, she had failed to accomplish a
single development project. She was notorious for not being punctual.
Many visitors who made appointments to meet her when she was the
President had to wait for hours. Departures of many aircraft were often
delayed during her overseas travel.
Her lust for power has not ended even after being the President for
11 long years. She was compelled to appoint the then Prime Minister
Mahinda Rajapaksa as the SLFP-led UPFA’s candidate for the November 2005
Presidential election.
But ever since, she had worked in a sinister manner to defeat the
Presidential candidate of her own party. Perhaps, Chandrika wouldn’t
have thought even in her wildest dreams that Mahinda Rajapaksa would
become the President on November 19, 2005.
But thanks to the overwhelming support extended by patriotic people
and those who wanted an ‘honourable peace’ Prime Minister Mahinda
Rajapaksa was elected President.
Even in the 2010 Presidential election, Chandrika launched an
unofficial malicious campaign to defeat President Rajapaksa but none
listened to her vicious views as President Rajapaksa was re-elected with
a thumping majority of over 1.8 million votes.
Chandrika is now back in action to beat her main enemy, this time
openly with her ever-reliable confidante Mangala Samaraweera, who too
had betrayed the SLFP. Hence, the Maithripala camp is now full of those
who have betrayed the SLFP.
Although the son and younger daughter of the SLFP founder had
betrayed the SLFP, President Rajapaksa has always been faithful to his
party in good times and bad.
President Rajapaksa’s late father D.A. Rajapaksa too had been a
founder member of the SLFP.
Maithripala’s betrayal is not the only such incident experienced in
the history of the SLFP. The SLFP has faced many conspiracies in the
In fact, eight of the 13 former General Secretaries of the SLFP had
turned traitors in letting down the party at crucial stages and
Maithripala is the latest in the list.
No matter who commits the betrayal, which is historically nothing new
to Sri Lanka, the UPFA will march towards victory at the Presidential
election to show the nation’s gratitude to the leader who had saved the
country from the clutches of LTTE terrorism.
Betrayals are not a new thing and that even Ehelapola Nilame
committed betrayal during King Rajasinghe’s era. In the end, Ehelapola
Nilame had to eat prison food - the fate suffered by betrayers.
UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe is keen to safeguard his Opposition
Leader post and found another sacrificial lamb similar to what he did
with Sarath Fonseka in 2010. They are today attempting to implement the
conspiracy they couldn't achieve in 2010. Nobody in the Opposition was
ready to sacrifice himself and as a result, they hsbr trapped someone
from the Government who was greedy for power.
Plans to topple the government have been hatched inside embassy
offices and staggering sums of money are being thrown to find Government
politicians who are hungry for money. But only Maithripala and five
others have fallen prey to these Western conspiracies.
The manner in which Maithripala regime would treat the Maha Sanga was
evident when the memorandum of understanding was signed between the
common candidate Maithripala Sirisena and the leaders of other parties.
Ven Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera who masterminded the common Opposition
candidate concept was not given the traditional treatment that is
normally offered to Bhikkus and had been neglected in that aspect. Even
the chair allocated to him was not covered with a customary white cloth.
The preferential treatment normally given to a Buddhist monk was not
afforded Sobhitha Thera. Common candidate Maithripala Sirisena signed
the MoU first with Ranil Wickremasinghe, then with Chandrika
Kumaratunga, Rajitha Senaratna, Sarath Fonseka, Mano Ganeshan and
Hemakumara Nanayakkara.
It was only after all of them had signed that Sobhitha Thera was
given a chance to sign, that too standing as the monk preferred not to
sit on a chair that was not covered with a white cloth. The on looking
Bhikkhus showed terrible displeasure on the manner the common Opposition
treated the prominent Bhikkhu.
There is no doubt that it was an indication how Buddhism would be
treated in case Maithripala becomes the President. Is this the manner a
real villager from Polonnaruwa treats a Bhikkhu? Perhaps, Maithripala
would have been influenced by the bad company of Chandrika, Mangala and
Ranil. It is still fresh in our minds how Mangala held a Buddha statute
at a ceremony – from its head! Could one expect such an unpatriotic gang
to show respect to a Bhikkhu.
Even the pigeon rejected Maithripala
Even the start of Maithripala’s election campaign was filled with a
series of inauspicious incidents which predicts a gloomy end. At the
inaugural meeting of the common Opposition candidate Maithripala, at his
home town Polonnaruwa last Sunday, a very bad omen took place.
When Maithripala released a white pigeon it fell on the ground near
him, instead of flying away.
All the faces of those on the stage became
gloomy had looked at one another thinking it was a bad omen to the start
of the presidential election campaign. But that was exactly what a
traitor deserved!
Even the pigeon, which was released by Maithripala, had realised that
he had not been released in good faith that it’s more honourable to get
back to the bird cage he was in than flying away from the hands of a
person who had betrayed the country.
Maithripala’s broken promise
UNP-backed politicians normally break their election promises after
elections. But Maithrpala Sirisena did so even before he handed over his
nomination for the Presidential election.
Maithripala played to the gallery and pretended to show his concern
for the environment and people when he said that he would not use
polythine or cutouts during his election campaign. Instead, he said
those money would be used to initiate a fund for the kidney patients in
his native Polonnaruwa.
Although it appeared to be an attractive slogan, he broke the pledge
at his very first election campaign rally in Polonnaruwa. There were
massive hoardings with Maithripala’s giant images and multi-colour
polythene flag street decorations.
Since Maithripala has broken an election pledge even before handing
over his nomination, one could well understand what would happen to
other important promises he has made to mislead the masses.
He now sheds crocodile tears for kidney patients and get their
relatives’ votes. But what did he do when he was the Health Minister? He
turned a blind eye when multi-national chemical companies marketed
harmful pesticides to farmers in his own area. He did precious little to
protect farmers and residents in Polonnaruwa who suffered kidney
All of a sudden, Maithripala has got up and shed buckets of crocodile
tears and promised to form a fund for kidney patients. People in
Polonnaruwa are for more intelligent than power-hungry Maithripala and
could not be misled by these opportunistic statements.
Sarath Kumara sees a Judas in Maithripala
Acting Minster of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Sarath
Kumara Gunaratne said in the same way Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for a
mess of pottage Mithreepala Senanayake as the General Secretary of the
Sri Lanka Freedom Party, betrayed the party as well its leader, the
The minister said Judas who betrayed Jesus, committed suicide by
hanging himself. He said by enjoying a meal of hoppers seated at the
same table, and also engaging in a friendly chat, Maithripala Sirisena
betrayed the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and crossed over to the opposition
to execute a contract of Ranil Wickremesinghe who was then recognised as
the arch enemy.
A doubt has arisen among SLFP supporters as to whether he crossed
over for a mess of pottage. The voters will give Maithripala due
punishiment for betraying the party. Though due to the betrayal of
Judas, Jesus was crucified, Judas got himself deified through his own
effort and in the same way, and the President without getting
disheartened will achieve a better victory than the victory he had
achieved in the last presidential election.
The Sri Lanka Freedom Party is not a party that could be destroyed.
The people of this country love this party as their own lives. I make
use of the Fisheries Ministry to solve the problems of the fisher folk.
It is the President who is the Minister in charge of this ministry. I am
the acting minister under him. Therefore, it is much easier to carry out
these duties.
The President rendered a yeoman service to fishermen during his
tenure as Minister of Fisheries,” he said.
JHU questions Ranil’s plans to become Premier
Jathika Hela Urumaya General Secretary Patali Champika Ranawaka has
asked how UNP leader Rani Wickremesinghe will become Prime Minister in
case Maithripala Sirisena becomes the President since the majority of
parliamentarians are UPFA coalition members.
It was reported that the JHU had sought clarification on the post of
Prime Minister before extending its support to the common opposition.
Speaking at a function in Avissawella last week, Champika Ranawaka added
that certain people raise questions over the participation of parties
like the TNA and the SLMC in the common Opposition.
He added that the different groups are coming together to achieve a
common goal stressing that the role of the JHU was uniting all forces
for a common cause.
But one wonders what a party such as the JHU which gave Executive
presidency as the main reason for extending support to Maithripala would
do with serious differences on future plans. Mangala Samaraweera has
openly said that the Executive Presidency would not be abolished even if
Maithripala wins the election and only certain powers vested with the
President would be transferred to the Prime Minister. Hence, the
Executive Presidency would remain even if Maithripala wins. Is this the
‘change’ the JHU wanted?
Stars go against traitor

Even the stars have gone against the traitor who had not only
betrayed his party and the people of Polonnaruwa but also the country in
Well-known astrologer Sumanadasa Abeygunawardena has said that the
Opposition’s common candidate Maithripala Sirisena would lose the next
Presidential election by a greater majority than Sarath Fonseka did in
the previous 2010 Presidential election.
He predicted that Mahinda Rajapaksa would win comfortably and also
that Maithripala Sirisena will not secure a single seat in the
Polonnaruwa district including the Polonnaruwa electorate.
Opposition’s ‘dream government’
The UNP is under an illusion that it could regain power after 20
years through Maithripala, who is not even considered a national figure.
Despite being a Cabinet Minister under President Mahinda Rajapaksa,
Maithripala was mostly known only to the people in Polonnaruwa and was
never considered a national figure, forget about aspiring to become the
Head of State.
But the UNP, which had lost a record 29 elections under the tottering
leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe, thinks that Maithripala could
resurrect their depleted party. They expect Maithripala to perform
miracles and install a UNP regime.
But none of the leaders in the so-called joint Opposition know what
would happen or who would be empowered if Maithripala wins.
On the day Miathripala declared that he would be the joint Opposition
candidate, he promised to introduce a new voting system and abolition of
the Executive Presidency. But UNP Secretary General Tissa Attanayake
contradicted that in a couple of days when he said that powers of the
Executive President should be transferred to Ranil, who will be
appointed Prime Minister within 24 hours.
Even a primary student would know that Ranil could not become the
Prime Minister when the UPFA commands with over 150 parliamentarians.
Does that mean Maithripala plans to hand over Executive powers to the
incumbent Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne in case the common Opposition
candidate wins? One wonders whether this is a plan within the UPFA to
take the UNP and the entire Opposition for a ride.
Perhaps, Mangala Samaraweera would have smelt something fishy. That
may be the reason for Mangala to have another news conference and
contradict statements of Maithripala and Attanayake. Mangala had said
that the Executive Presidency would never be abolished and that only
certain powers of the President would be transferred to the Prime
But Mangala never explained how that could be done when the UPFA
enjoys over two-thirds majority in the Parliament!
LTTE cohorts, Western missions pump in money
There is reliable information of an unprecedented volume of foreign
funds being pumped in to support of the common Opposition candidate.
Similar to what was done during Sarath Fonseka’s candidature at the 2010
Presidential election. At least two Western missions in Colombo and
Tiger sympathisers have lavishly pumped in money for a regime change in
Sri Lanka.
All what the West and the LTTE cohorts need is to install a puppet
President who would dance to their tune. They are acutely aware that
they would never be able to implement their sinister plans as long as
President Rajapaksa holds office. Hence, they are working around the
clock to glorify Maithripala who has the support of Chandrika and Ranil,
who have shown an extraordinary sympathy to the LTTE and the Western
peace merchants.
The government has taken all measures to investigate the exchange of
US dollars and Euros sent to Sri Lanka by foreign agents. According to
Public Administration and Home Affairs Minister W.D.J. Seneviratne,
investigations are being carried out to find the owners of the money,
the purpose behind bringing such staggering amounts to the country and
the means by which money entered the country.
The total amount had been currency-changed at four intervals, each
for a sum of Rs. 250 million. “We often hear that money transactions
take place within the country to be used for propaganda to defeat
President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Therefore, we have doubts whether this too
would be a similar instance,” he added.
Minister Seneviratne said the government will not let foreign
elements or individuals supportive of them to create problems within the
country. He said action will be taken against individuals attempting to
create problems in the country. |