'Collective effort, vital to boost civil security'

The head table at the 10th AGM of the SLASSPA. |
The 10th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Security Service
Providers Association (SLASSPA) on ' Thinking beyond Borders' was held
on Sunday in Colombo.
Competent Authority, Civil Security and Defence and Urban Development
Ministry, Additional Secretary Damayanthi Jayaratne was the chief guest.
SLASSPA President Major Tissa Aluwihare said, "Tonight, for the first
time ever, we hold the SLASSPA AGM not only in the presence of the
governing authority, but also with the participation of key members of
ISF and the security trade." He said that this augured well for the
future to achieve the aim of 'One Vision, One Industry, One Culture' for
the security industry. He said that synergy and unity are important
components to embark on the tough journey to achieve greater good for
all stakeholders beyond organisations, lobbies, companies or for that
matter, colour of uniforms. |