Why investigations into mass graves have failed so far
by Basil Fernando
Sri Lanka is a place where very many mass graves have been
The Chemmani and Matale mass graves are the only two instances in
which some progress was made in terms of a judicial inquiry to discover
their backgrounds. However, even in those two instances, after the
beginning of some initial steps mainly due to expressions of public
interest from local as well as international sources, the process has
stopped. Reasons given for such stoppages are basically of a technical
Close scrutiny
However, close scrutiny of these circumstances clearly indicate that
there are far more serious obstacles to investigations into mass graves
than those which are merely technical.
Those ‘obstacles’ are based on political considerations which should
not be factors in inquiries about serious crimes which may possibly be
involved in the secret burial of many human bodies in a mass grave.
Seemingly, the criminal justice system has allowed for measures to be
approved by a government and carried out by law enforcement agencies
which result in the creation of mass graves.
Thus, we need to uncover the political and legal measures that have
gradually led to the protections being written into a criminal justice
system in relation to arrests, interrogations and punishments for
alleged offenders.
A close scrutiny is likely to reveal that the very political process
that enabled the circumventing of the protections of individuals
contained in a criminal justice system, also, later, prevents the proper
inquiries into the mass graves.
There were many occasions at which large scale disappearances took
place in Sri Lanka. For more details, see ‘ Phenomenon of disappearances
in Sri Lanka’ by M. C. M. Iqbal.
Under the law in Sri Lanka there are protections against suspects of
crime given by way of constitutional guarantees as well as provisions of
criminal procedure law. Article 13(1) of the Constitution forbids
illegal arrest, Article 13(2), illegal detention, and Article 11
absolutely prohibits torture. The law relating to arrests was the same
as the law in Britain. The entire substance of the legal provisions was
removed in Sri Lanka in order to enable the occurrence of enforced
The protection of personal liberty, which is an absolute principle,
was relativised in the name of ‘national security’ by creating the
possibilities of withdrawal of a personal liberty at the hands of
security personnel. In order to do this, one of the first steps was to
replace the need for arrest under the legal provisions by allowing
covert arrests instead. ‘Abduction’ is a criminal offence in Sri Lanka.
However, security officers were legally allowed to secretly arrest
and detain people – the very nature of the ‘arrest’ being no more than a
clandestine abduction.
A security officer who thus covertly ‘arrests’ a person had no duty
to justify his actions. Thus what really took place by way of allowing
abductions in the place of arrests was to legitimise arbitrary arrests..
Once the arrest could be made outside the law then the doors are
closed to monitor the detentions of persons so ‘arrested’. In normal
circumstances a person who is arrested needs to be produced before a
court, within 24 hours which later was extended to 48 hours. However,
there is no possibility for ensuring any such production of persons
before a Magistrate when the actual arrest is not admitted by the
authorities. Thus in terms of arrests and detention the abducted person
becomes a legal non-entity.
the normal law, the purpose of arrest is to conduct investigations into
an alleged crime. However, obligation for investigations is removed when
the person is treated as a legal non-entity.
When the security agencies that make these arrests have the
obligation to investigate, they must also keep records. Therefore, when
a statement is taken or questioning conducted, there must be an official
record. However, in instances when a covert ‘arrest’ is made, all the
obligations for official records are suspended.
In that way the possibility of any judicial inquiry as to the
legitimacy of what has taken place by way of interrogation is also
Under normal law, only a judge has the power to declare a person
guilty of an offence and to prescribe any punishment. But, when the aim
of the ‘arrest’ is to commit an enforced disappearance, such powers are
transmitted through security officers who are, in effect, given judicial
functions and judicial powers. Such functions could be exercised without
keeping any kind of official record.
Under the normal law, the manner in which a punishment prescribed by
a judicial officer is to be carried out is also determined by legal
provisions. If the death sentence is prescribed, the conduct of an
execution is laid down by other laws and regulations. When security
officers carry out a covert ‘death sentence’ which they themselves have
prescribed, they are not under obligation to follow any legal procedures
or to maintain a record.
When a death sentence is carried out by proper legal authorities they
must follow the law and the rules regarding disposal of the body. Under
normal circumstances the dead body is handed over to the family of the
However, when the security officers are to dispose of bodies they are
under no obligation to hand over the body to the family for disposal.
Under the normal law, when arrests, interrogations and trials, are
being conducted, all who are involved are under an absolute obligation
to prevent torture or ill-treatment of the suspects. However, when the
security officers carry out covert arrests, interrogations and
punishments themselves, they are not obliged to prevent the use of
torture and ill treatment. In fact the secrecy with which they conduct
their activities assures them that they could resort to any kind of
torture and ill treatment.
Above, is just a short description of the extent to which the basic
laws of criminal justice are being completely violated when the state
authorises enforced disappearances to take place. In fact at that point
‘criminal justice’ ceases to exist.
Clearly, when security officers are given the functions of being
accusers, the investigators, judges, executioners and also disposers of
the dead bodies, they are acting on the same principles by which the
Russian secret police - the Cheka were authorised to act.
Thus, we have two jurisprudential positions. One is the fundamental
principles of criminal justice where every interference into the liberty
of a person has to be legally justified by the state. The opposite
principle is that of the Cheka, where the state can authorise its agent
to act without any reference to law.
In Sri Lanka the state, on occasions when it authorised enforced
disappearances, opted to abandon its own criminal justice laws and in
its stead, opted to act under the Cheka principles.
The kind of recommendations that merely insist on the state following
its laws and improving its technical capacities to investigate and
prosecute enforced disappearances conveniently overlooks the fundamental
shift in principles that Sri Lankan state opted to act upon on occasions
when it authorised enforced disappearances.
A simple question that arises when a mass grave is discovered in Sri
Lanka, is as to whether it is possible to demand the Sri Lankan state to
act within the framework of criminal justice in dealing with such a mass
grave when in fact such a mass grave is likely to be a mere
manifestation of a state policy which allowed the causing of enforced
Is it possible for a state to act on the basis of the principles of
Cheka on the one hand and investigate into the same incidents on the
basis of criminal justice principles?
Neither Sri Lankans nor the international community have been able to
face this fundamental issue squarely.
The result of not wanting to face this fundamental issue is that of
looking for an escape from facing this situation by considering the
enforced disappearances as acts of some officers who acted against the
law and against the wishes of the governments in power.
Such escape is not possible because a criminal justice system cannot
be restored to its former position without taking steps to abandon the
Cheka approach and to replace it once again with a criminal justice
There has not even been a discussion on that fundamental issue. It is
not difficult to understand why so much of obstacles are placed against
any genuine investigations into a mass grave when it is discovered. It
is this that happened in Chemmani and it is also that which was repeated
when the Matale mass grave was discovered. Similar sabotage will
continue into any other discoveries in the future.
We must begin with the attempt to understand how the basic criminal
justice system of Sri Lanka was displaced with a system that follows
similar principles as that of the Russian Cheka. Every mass grave is a
symbol of the grave yard of criminal justice in Sri Lanka. |