Crisis in university education system - a systemic ailment?
Reform will not come from the educationists:
The crisis in the Sri Lankan system of
universities once again comes to the forefront of the social
discourse with the intensifying fracas among rival students groups.
Though the periodic fighting among students' groups is a tell-tale
symptom of the ailment, it does, perhaps, not reflect the severity
and the intensity of the syndrome that blighted the entire body of
education in the post - independent Sri Lanka.
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Solar power for South Asian villages
Is it a solution the looming energy crisis?:
One of the positive outcomes of the looming
energy crisis is the renewed interest generated in alternative
sources of energy. Wind, solar and bio-fuel are some of the
potential alternative energy sources that can be harnessed in
sun-lit villages in South Asian.
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Promoting the hide of literature and culture
Crisis-ridden Sri Lanka Arts Council:
The Sri Lanka Arts Council, which was
established by an Act of Parliament in 1952, consisted of several
panels dedicated to fostering diverse branches of art such as drama
and literature. The Arts Council is made up of the executive members
and chairmen of the panels. Though it had been established as far
back as 1952, the objectives and the activities of the Arts Council
have not been changed to suit modern-day requirements.
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