Speaker with the common touch:
Chamal shines in politics
There are two categories of politicians. Those
who become popular due to politics belong to the first category and
the second are those who popularise politics for the welfare of the
masses with the intention of helping them. They are rare and unique.
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Govt all set to combat dengue menace
Are citizens ready to do their part?:
A clean environment is paramount in the
eradication of dengue - unclean dengue-infested locations are, in
fact, the root cause of this terrible evil.It is the duty of all
citizens to keep their environment clean and take preventive
measures, which is the only long-term solution. A combination of
Government efforts and cooperation of the society to comply with the
prevention measures and controls is mandatory, if this latest
scourge that has plagued the country is to be eradicated.
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Prison reforms:
Rehabilitation a priority - DEW
The Prisons Department (PD) was established in
1844. It’s of the few departments in the public service which has
not undergone change. All its past commission reports have not even
been touched. As a result, a radical transformation is necessary. We
want to implement some legal reforms and introduce amendments to the
Prisons Ordinance. which came into effect in 1867, and amended a few
times thereafter.
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