DAULAGALA - H.M.S. (Tissa) - Beloved husband
of Lalani Dasanayake, loving father of Chamal & Dileepa Daulagala,
passed away. Cremation takes place on Sunday 4th at 1.00 p.m. at
Mahaiyawa. 200/1, Thalwatta, Kandy. 355572
FONSEKA - MAY CEILINE RITA, Former Teacher of St
Thomas’ (Prep). Beloved wife of late Mr Placidus Fonseka, loving mother of
Rowan, Shyami, Marcia, Yasmin Yohan & Mario, mother-in-law of Leonie Alfie,
(late Sujeewa), Graham, Honorine & Dushyanthi, grandmother of Gullaume, Denham,
Sanjay, Ravin, Dirk, Gayan, Diyani, Ruwini, Priyani, Samantha, Melissa,
Nishitha, Aaron & Angelina. Cortege leaves at 3.30 p.m. on 4th December. 8/1,
Ceylinco Nivasa, Shalawa Rd, Embuldeniya, Nugegoda. Burial at St Thomas’
Church Kotte at 4 p.m. 355316
KARUNARATNE - SRI RAJ - (Retiree IAEA, Austria and
former Staff Ananda Vidyalaya, Colombo, Sri Lanka). Everloving husband of Anuja
and beloved father of Ranalie and Dinalie, loving son of late Mr and Mrs D.B.
Karunaratne, Nelundeniya, Sri Lanka, passed away on 24th November 2011 after a
brief illness in Vienna, Austria. Cremation takes place on 7th December 2011 in
Vienna, Austria. 354572
KURUPPU - RANJITH EDWARD resided in UK, expired,
(formerly of Central Bank). Beloved husband of Shiranee, loving father of
Dinusha & Kumarine, father-in-law of Shiran Fernando & Warren Harris,
grandfather of Dilan, Nicoli, Jerome, Kieran and Ashley (all residing in UK),
son of late Peter and Ruth Kuruppu, brother of Lorinda Peeris (UK) and Violet
Sansoni, brother-in-law of late Nihal Peeris, Chris Sansoni, Anton Arulanandam,
Savithri, Mahes, Kumar, Antoinette and Mark, son-in-law of late Michael
Arulanandam and Josephine Arulanandam. Funeral will take place in Sri Lanka on
04th December. Cortege will leave residence No. 50, Thalawathugoda Road, Pita
Kotte for burial at St. Thomas’s Church Kotte on 4th December (Sunday) at
3.00 p.m. 351942
PUSHPAKUMARA - M. PIYASIRI (Retired Bank Manager -
People’s Bank). Beloved husband of Malini Pushpakumara, loving father of Vajira
(Oman) and Lasni, loving father-in-law of Nimali and Ranga & loving grandfather
of Dihain and Thevindu, expired. Cortege leaves residence on Sunday 04.12.2011,
at 2.30 p.m. for cremation at General Cemetery, Kesbewa at 3.00 p.m. No.
217/D, Aloka Uyana, Kesbewa, Piliyandala. 355543
RAMANATHAN - BALA JP. Dearly beloved husband of
Kamala nee Muttucumaru, loving father of Rukmini, loving father-in-law of Mohan
Tissanayagam, son of the late Arunachalam and the late Vamadevi Ramanathan,
grandson of the late Sir Ponnambalam and the late lady Swarnam Arunachalam,
passed away peacefully after a brief illness. A private funeral was held in
accordance with his wishes. 36/9, Horton Place, Arunachalam Avenue, Colombo
7. 350032
beloved wife of late Habib Tayoob, adored mother of Shakeer (HSBC, Dubai) and
Imran (Manai Travels, Qatar), beloved mother-in-law of Leor (Dubai), precious
daughter of Gunapala Bulathsinhala and late Nanda Bulathsinhala, much loved
sister of Dilkushi (Australia), Anoma (Lanka Bell), Chandima, sister-in-law of
Augustus (Australia), Jagath (Expolanka) and Kithsiri (Kuwait). Cortege leaves
residence No. 23/4, Sri Soratha Mawatha, Ganagodawila, Nugegoda on Sunday
the 4th of December, 2011 at 2.00 p.m. for cremation at Kohuwala
Cemetery. 355566