Unduwap - last Poya of the year
Unduwap is the last of the 12 full moon Poya days
according to the Buddhist calendar. This Poya is important to
Buddhists, especially Sri Lankan Buddhists, due to three reasons.
The arrival of Sangamitta Theri in Sri Lanka with a Bo sapling from
the Sacred Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in India was the main incident that
took place on Unduwap Full Moon Poya Day. The Bhikkhuni Sasana was
established in Sri Lanka with the blessings of Theri Sangamitta
during the month of Unduwap.
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Catch them young and make them IT-literates
Young children will typically begin to show an
interest in the home PC by their toddler years. While it may be a
good idea to begin introducing your toddler to the computer in very
short sessions, most children can begin to learn and understand
acomputer's functionality by preschool age.Many researchers do not
recommend that children under three use computers.
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