Scientists question if wi-fi laptops can damage sperm
03 Dec BBC
Scientists are questioning if using wi-fi on a
laptop to roam the internet could harm a man’s fertility, after lab
work suggested ejaculated sperm were significantly damaged after
only four hours of exposure. The benchside tests showed sperm were
less able to swim and had changes in the genetic code that they
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Former ‘Sheriff of the Year’arrested and jailed
Every civil servant wants to experience his or
her legacy firsthand- but not the way that one time Arapahoe Sheriff
Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. has. Sullivan, a nationally renowned law
enforcement leader, was arrested on drug charges and is now being
detained in the Denver, USA area jail that bears his name.
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The safest car for a teen driver
Giving a set of keys to a teenager can flood the
parent of even the most cautious new driver with fear. Now a new
study shows that the safest kind of vehicle for teen drivers might
be a big sports utility vehicle.
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