Peerless voice that carries into eternity
Her rich music legacy is quintessentially
singular with many unsurpassable achievements. Sujatha Attanayake
with her once-in-a generation voice spreading over the entire scale
of music and with depth has carved out a unique position among the
post-independent Sri Lankan singers particularly in the traditions
of North Indian Classical and South Indian Carnatic music. Her
repertoire of songs and performances ranging from classical,
semi-classical to playback songs, will remain as repository of the
best creations in diverse music traditions and in many languages.
Now, they are part of the music legacy of the nation. It is this
peerless legacy which will inspire generations to come.
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Literature and varieties of history - 1
The role of history in literary production has
been a topic that has generated a great measure of interest among
literary scholars and literary critics in general. In Sri Lanka,
Gunadasa Amarasekera more than most other writers and intellectuals,
has consistently underscored the importance of history as a vital
force that shapes literature.
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Cultural Scene:
Construction of Nation
In this continuous series on postcolonial
literature, I would like to further explore the theme Nation as
diverse postcolonial literature constructs the nation. The central
concern of creation of nation was linked with the postcolonial
literatures that emerged from Canada, Nigeria and other postcolonial
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