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Sunday, 4 December 2011





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Catch them young and make them IT-literates

Computers have become a common and needed part of life in today's society, making computer education imperative for children.

Young children will typically begin to show an interest in the home PC by their toddler years. While it may be a good idea to begin introducing your toddler to the computer in very short sessions, most children can begin to learn and understand acomputer's functionality by preschool age.Many researchers do not recommend that children under three use computers.

Computers simply do not match their learning style. Children under three learn through their bodies:their eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and legs. Although they may return over and over again to an activity, they are full of movement, changing focus frequently. Computers are not a good choice for the developmental skills these children are learning to master: crawling, walking, talking, and making friends. Children three and four years of age are developmentally ready to explore computers, and most early childhood educators see the computer centre as a valuable activity centre for learning.

Timing is crucial. Children need plenty of time to experiment and explore. Young children are comfortable clicking various options to see what is going to happen next. Parents may want to intervene when children appear frustrated or when nothing seems to be happening. Frequently, just a quick word or two, even from across the room, reminds children what they need to do next to reach their desired goal.

Providing children with minimal help teaches them they can operate the computer successfully. In addition, by observing what children are doing, the parent can ask probing questions or propose problems to enhance and expand children's computer experiences.


As children enter kindergarten and the primary grades, it is important that they continue to have access to a computer with a library of developmentally appropriate software. Children need opportunities to make choices about some of their computer experiences. In addition, kindergarten or primary-grade teachers will want to use the computer for more directed activities that match their learning objectives.

Through exploring computer experiences, these children build memory skills, learn how to seek out information, use knowledge until they have a clear understanding from multiple sources, and integrate their knowledge of how each ecosystem functions. In the process, they learn to delegate responsibility, interact with others, solve problems, and cooperate to reach a goal.

But at the same time it is indispensably true to keep in mind, however, that computer software cannot teach a child concepts that he/she is not developmentally ready for. Computers should always be considered as a supplement to other, more concrete learning activities such as completing puzzles, building with Lego and blocks, reading books, creating art projects and playing on the playground.

It is universally true keeping the database analysis in view out of the day.


The computer is no doubt a friendly machine.

A tool to accommodate all the probable queries of an individual with the aid of the software but at the same time the umbrella has to be therein order to have what is required rather than to have all non-relevant items.

One must pay much attention to highlighting good content as to restricting banned content. Remember that overzealous watchdog policies may inhibit Internet opportunities for students, whose only access to the Internet is through school.

Take for example the many parents who take a balanced approach to the Internet.

Both at home and at school, set rules and limits on Internet use, but also guide children to good Internet contents.Quality education is the need of the hour and with the result, at the same time the boards of education and learning must develop a plan to help schools, teachers and parents educate children about safe, responsible use of the Internet.

Personal information

For example, encourage schools and families to place computers in rooms that are shared (such as family rooms, dining rooms, offices or libraries), where children can use the Internet with others around them. And teach children never to share personal information (name, address, telephone, or credit card number) online. This may go a long way in making this a success.

The day-to-day activities at the school and the home education will provide a healthy liking for the computer and this is required to foster appropriate use of the Internet among preschoolers and other young children.

It is also a fact that despite the increasing use of computers in elementary schools, there hasn't been a decrease in the formal teaching of penmanship. The children use just as much paper as they did before computers became a classroom standard. Hence one has to keep in mind that writing with a pencil involves an equally important set of skills as typing on a keyboard.

Exposure to the Internet can help preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades master literacy and other cognitive skills and also can spur integration of these skills early in their development.

Parents and school leaders who look for online opportunities for younger children can be guided to engaging, age-appropriate content.

The Internet can reinforce everyday learning opportunities and be a powerful tool for fostering interaction among adults and young children. It takes much to conduct the new tool of knowledge in this regard. The teaching gentry must ponder in regard to computing of this sort, they must help teachers, parents, and children use the Internet more effectively for learning. For example, they ought to suggest education-related websites for parents and children to visit together - and give them learning activities to do once they get there.

Offer education-related help for students online, such as after-school tutoring. We must provide teachers with professional development opportunities to help them model effective use of the Internet as a tool for students' learning, including integrating Internet learning with regular classroom learning.

If teacher training takes place outside regular school hours, offer teachers incentives to participate when possible. If teacher training pulls teachers out of the classroom, parents should be made to know why it is important to support this professional development. The usage of the Internet to communicate more effectively with parents and students goes a long way to generate interest for all.


We must encourage teachers, parents and students to communicate through email, make their email IDs and even communicate off-line with that reference only for generating pulses of craze and interest of being a netizen. And finally, engage the community.

This can be very easily done through holding computer and Internet training classes for parents or hosting convenient opportunities for parents, community leaders, librarians, teachers, and others to talk together about children's use of the Internet. Schools may want to collaborate with libraries, community computing centers, local colleges and universities, and other places that offer alternative access to computers.

Educators and parents have been quite concerned over the years about possible negative effects of computers and Internet on children's desire to interact with others.

Unlike television, however, the more interactive, child-controlled nature of some computer software can be conductive to sharing, taking turns and playing games together. Also the fact lies to the versatile saying that the familiarity and comfort with computers is certainly useful for daily survival, both in and out of school.

The risk associated with this myth comes from placing too much emphasis on the computer as a "must" for children’s future welfare.

It's better to regard computer use as simply one with more experience or a tool that can support the development of the good old-fashioned learning skills such as being able to read and write, think logically, and solve and analyse problems.

It can also enhance the learning process by allowing children to have experiences not possible without a computer. Ultimately out of the study it capsules more of the truth to have this machine as a tool rather than an aid for all times.


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