Hirdaramani employees to showcase talents
The Hirdaramani Group recently launched an employee talent show in
partnership with artist Navaratne Gamage, the project gives employees an
opportunity to showcase their talents in singing and dancing, composing
songs, acting, presenting and writing.
The first stage was launched in September with an audition process in
each factory.
A panel of judges comprising experienced directors and producers will
select 100 to 150 individuals to participate in the second stage of the
Sri Lankan artistes provide valuable feedback and assistance to
selected employees. They will enter a training and mentoring stage where
they will work with Navaratne Gamage and his team of experts for a grand
concert to be held at the end of the year.
"The apparel industry is one of the strongest and most dynamic
industry sectors in the country, and remains the highest contributor to
the GDP.
This combined with the commitment of employers to a good work
environment make it the ideal sector for people looking to build their
careers," said CEO, Hirdaramani Woven Cluster and Mercury Apparel
clusters, Tony Nadaraja.
"At Hirdaramani we are and always have been, committed to creating an
environment that fosters our employees potential.
This includes encouraging.
We understand that well-rounded experiences are essential to each
individual as they build a better future, one that we hope to empower,"
said CEO Hirdaramani Knit Cluster, Ananda Weerakoone.