Appointed president HDCC
Al Najath Import and Export Managing Director, M. Shaheed Usuph was
elected as the President of the Hambantota District Chamber of Commerce
(HDCC) for 2012/2013 at the 19th Annual General Meeting on September 21
in Ambalantota.
Twenty-five people were elected to the board of directors. Among them
were four women. The members of the new policy and financial committee
are I.K. Kumara Jayasinghe, immediate past president, M. Shaheed Usuph,
president, Sudantha Akmeemana, senior vice president and K.H. Padmalal,
vice president. Chairman of Laugh Holdings Ltd, W. K. H. Wegapitiya
spoke on 'How to become a successful entrepreneur by preparing for the
future', encouraging HDCC members to change their attitudes and mindsets
to reap the maximum benefit from the opportunities available.
The AGM was sponsored by DFCC Bank, Hatton National Bank and True
Value (Pvt) Ltd