‘No disruption to year-end term tests’:
A/L paper marking to be completed by Nov 21
by Manjula FERNANDO
The Examinations Department hopes to complete the GCE Advanced Level
2012 examination paper marking by November 21 without any disruption to
the year-end term tests of state schools with the end of the three-month
FUTA strike.
Examinations Commissioner General N.J. Pushpakumara told the Sunday
Observer that the Department has already commenced paper marking answer
scripts (old syllabus) in the first stage of the evaluation process from
October 8 with the help of 680 school teachers and university lecturers.
The first stage will conclude by Wednesday.
“We began paper marking on Monday last week, following a meeting with
the university teachers who responded positively to our call to commence
paper marking,” the Commissioner General said. The strike action by the
Federation of University Teachers Association (FUTA) was called off on
Thursday following talks with Economic Development Minister Basil
Rajapaksa, Treasury Secretary P.B . Jayasundera and Higher Education
Ministry officials.
The Department has also scheduled the second phase of the paper
marking from October 25 to November 5.
The papers to be evaluated under the second phase include Physical
Science and Biology, Commerce, Accountancy and certain Arts subjects
under the new syllabus. A total of 8,785 school and university teachers
will evaluate the papers in the second stage, the Examinations
Commissioner said.
Fourteen out of 30 schools in Colombo, used as marking centres will
be closed from October 24 to November 6 on account of the paper marking.
“Some principals are keen to continue school sessions while the
marking process is under way and we have decided to fall in line so that
there will be less disruption to school activities,” he said adding that
Royal College which would serve as a Coordinating Centre will, however,
remain closed during this period.
The meetings to discuss the marking criteria for exam panels in the
second stage of the evaluation will be held from October 18 to 23. The
schools will remain open during these sessions.
The third phase of the marking will be held from November 12 to 21
and the examination panel meetings have been scheduled for November 10
and 11.
“No school will be closed during the third phase of paper marking,”
he said.