Small islands push for new energy
Most islands are well endowed with one or more renewable energy
source - rivers, waterfalls, wind, sunshine, biomass, wave power,
geothermal deposits - yet virtually all remain heavily or entirely
reliant on imported fossil fuels to produce electricity and power
With rising oil prices, fuel import bills now represent up to 20
percent of annual imports of 34 of the 38 small island developing states
(SIDS), between 5 percent to 20 percent of their Gross Domestic Product
- and even up to 15 percent of the total import bills of many of the
European Union's 286 islands.
Action advocated under "The Malta Communiqué On Accelerating
Renewable Energy Uptake For Islands" adopted by a 50-nation two-day
conference that ended here last week will hopefully slash, in some cases
eliminate, reliance on fossil fuels and related pollution, while
increasing energy security, employment as well as economic and social
"The Renewables and Islands Global Summit" in Malta was co-hosted by
the 100-nation International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) based in
Abu Dhabi and by the government of Malta - a 316 sq km Mediterranean
island republic of 410,000 inhabitants, and EU's smallest member state.
The Malta Communiqué On Accelerating Renewable Energy Uptake For
Islands will hopefully help slash or eliminate reliance on fossil fuels,
while increasing energy security, employment as well as economic and
social wellbeing.
The communiqué invites IRENA to establish a global renewable energy
islands network (GREIN) as a platform for sharing knowledge, best
practice, challenges and lessons learnt while seeking innovative
GREIN will also help assess country potential, build capacity,
formulate business cases for renewables deployment involving the private
sector and civil society while identifying available finance as well as
new ideas for innovative financing mechanisms.
In addition, the network will develop methodologies for integrating
renewables into sustainable tourism, water management, transport, and
other industries and services.
IRENA's Kenyan director-general Adnan Amin told the 120 delegates
that "we have confirmed the enormous potential for renewables in small
island developing states as well as for developed island countries, not
to mention coastal countries with remote, energy-deprived islands of
their own. Ambitious policy targets appear increasingly attainable
because of great strides forward in technology and cost-effectiveness.
"We are laying the groundwork for a business council to bring
investors - from major energy companies to innovative SMEs (small- and
medium-sized enterprises) and also financial institutions - into the
discussion," Amin added.
"Academics and NGOs can also contribute to the search for practical
solutions. Developed island states can do much by sharing their
experience with small-island developing states that face broadly similar
Representatives (including 15 ministers) from 26 developing Pacific,
Caribbean and African developing island nations and from coastal
developing states with islands reported a wide range of renewables
deployment, from detailed long-term plans and ongoing activities to
reach up to 100 percent renewables, to admissions of very low deployment
and no firm goals or plans yet.
West African Cape Verde, a 10-island 4,033 sq km archipelago with
491,000 inhabitants, has started working towards 100 percent, then
possibly 300 percent renewables.
West African Cape Verde, a 10-island 4,033 sq km archipelago with
491,000 inhabitants, has started working towards 100 percent, then
possibly 300 percent renewables, according to José Brito, senior adviser
to Cape Verde's Prime Minister, José Maria Neves. Surplus energy
remaining from meeting domestic needs (including seawater desalination)
could either be stored or exported, Brito said.
Dominica in the East Caribbean (71,000 inhabitants, 754 sq km) could
also become a net energy exporter, Crispin Grégoire, its former
ambassador to the UN and now a United Nations Development Program
official in charge of Caribbean issues said.
"With 325 rivers and mountainous terrain, we have huge hydroelectric
potential. Moreover, Iceland and the EU are helping assess our extensive
geothermal resources.
We could export surplus electricity by interconnector seabed cable to
Guadelupe and Martinique, each just 60 km away. We could also attract
high-tech industries to use our surplus power."
- Ourworld 2.0