The National Shooting
Sport Federation (NSSF) conducted the National Championships
2012 at the Sri Lanka Navy Firing Range at Welisara, winning
the admiration of the Shooting fraternity for reviewing the
sport within a year and restoring to its past glory. The
Minister of Sports, Mahindananda Aluthgamage was the Chief
Guest whilst the Secretary of the Ministry of Sports, A. M.
Jayawickrama and the Director General, Department of Sports
Development, Mrs. Ranjani Jayakody graced the occasion. The
President of NSSF, Rear Admiral Shemal Fernando spearheaded
arrangements whilst the Secretary General, Colonel Dushan
Wijewickrama coordinated organizing of the championships.
Sri Lanka Army emerged winners at the championships whilst
the Sri Lanka Navy, Sri Lanka Air Force and Sri Lanka Police
also excelled.
Winners of four main titles receive their trophies from
Minister of Sports Mahindananda Aluthgamage. President of
NSSF, Rear Admiral Shemal Fernando is on extreme left. Award
winners from left... Best Performance Rifle Women, Pte.
Madushani, WKG, Best Performance Rifle Men, St/
Sgt. Samarakoon, MMS Best Performance Pistol Men, Suranga
Fernando, Best Performance Pistol Women, Ruwini Abeymanna |