Communicate for success
What do most people do? Communicate or complicate?
Communication in modern society has become a passion and for some, a
fashion. There are organisations which teach the fundamentals of
communication and offer training and skills development. But most people
who are good at it are people who have mastered the art of communication
through self -skill development. It's a known fact that good
communicators have an edge over the rest.
Common mistakes made by business leaders and academics
Most people seem to think it's necessary to use big words, technical
terms and complicated sentences to make themselves sound knowledgeable
and subject matter experts - not bothering whether the listener
understands or not.
Many of our local business leaders and academics often use some kind
of jargon and terms that are unheard of or rarely used.
What happens as a result is that you compromise on clarity and
content in your bid to show off your language proficiency. The fastest
way to put your listener to sleep or completely get disconnected is to
talk to him in a language he doesn't understand.
This has become a common issue in Sri Lanka today. Sadly, this trend
misleads the younger generation.
Common understanding is the key in business
A major problem of communicating, particularly in the business world
is simply understanding what the other person says in the right context.
People working in companies and industries often just don't speak the
same language. Even within the same company, I have come across a lack
of understanding and misinterpretation across the hierarchy. The lack of
communication causes many operational issues which lead to
under-performance. The cost of 'lack of communication' can be huge,
though not measured or quantified by most organisations.
Art of communication
The most effective messages are those that reach the heart of the
listener. Emotions cause change. If you can appeal to the emotions of
your listener he will become more receptive to your words. Think in
pictures and use descriptive words your listener will remember which can
influence the listener's thinking over a longer period of time.
To illustrate your point, use stories that your listener can relate
to or identify with. This also helps the speaker to deliver with more
conviction and confidence The more you are able to occupy the listener's
mind, the greater the chance of causing the anticipated change or
getting a decision in your favour. When you communicate, you want your
listener to 'see' as well as 'hear' what you are saying. If not the
specific goal of communication at the time cannot be achieved.
End game is, call for action
A message without a specific request is a wasted opportunity. If you
don't ask for something specific the chances are that you will get
It all boils down to one practicality you know of; if you don't ask,
you don't get. In communicating, to determine the ending that best fits
with the objective of your message, simply ask yourself, "What do I want
from my listener?" the answer to that question should be your ending. It
can be a demand for action or a demand for re-action.
Be careful not to emulate the wrong person
The younger generation has a habit of emulating people in everything
they do.
While learning from others is a good thing and a short cut to
success, you need to decide on the right person to follow. Don't be
overwhelmed by the style, accent or the vocabulary used but carefully
follow the content and context to ensure that it makes sense to the
targeted listener.
If you want to be a good communicator; be brief, simple, descriptive,
relevant, powerful, emotional, persuasive and respectful to the listener
- ensure that your communication offers value to the listener and never
make the listener uncomfortable or embarrassed.