Six more countries added to landmine-free list
8 December AFP
Six more countries have been added to the list of
nations that have eliminated “the scourge of landmines”, organisers
of a conference on the deadly weapons said Friday. Congo, Denmark,
Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan and Uganda have declared all mined
areas in their territories cleared,
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Drought may have killed Sumerian language
A 200-year-long drought 4,200 years ago may have
killed off the ancient Sumerian language, a geologist says. Because
no written accounts explicitly mention drought as the reason for the
Sumerian demise, the conclusions rely on indirect clues. But several
pieces of archaeological and geological evidence tie the gradual
decline of the Sumerian civilisation to a drought.
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Dog chasing ducks rescued from icy pond
A smooth fox terrier dog out for a hike with his
owners almost didn’t make it home alive when he found himself stuck
in a very precarious situation. The dog, named Jonah by his owners,
the Vargas family of Frisco, Colorado, slipped away from his leash
after a group of ducks on a pond caught his eye,
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