Clinton to testify on Benghazi attack at open hearing
8 December AFP
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon testify before US
lawmakers at an open-door hearing about the deadly September attack on
the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, a top lawmaker said Friday. Clinton
will appear before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs "to discuss,
in an open hearing, the findings and recommendations" in a State
Department report on the attack, committee chairwoman Ileana
Ros-Lehtinen said.
Ros-Lehtinen's office said the report from the Accountability Review
Board was due to be released next week, and that Clinton would testify
"soon thereafter." No specific date was given for Clinton's testimony.
It was however unlikely that she would testify next week, as she is due
to leave Monday on a trip to north Africa and Abu Dhabi.
The lawmaker said she hoped Clinton would discuss "corrective
measures" undertaken by the State Department in the wake of the attack,
specifically on "security of our posts, threat assessments, host
government responsibilities, and coordination with other U.S. security
agencies." Clinton will also appear before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, a committee official told AFP, without giving further
details. The US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other
Americans were killed in the September 11 assault on the US mission in
Susan Rice, the US envoy to the United Nations, has come under sharp
criticism from Republican lawmakers for her comments shortly after the
attack, when she said it had stemmed from a protest against an
anti-Islam film.
Rice has since admitted that the intelligence community's talking
points "were incorrect in a key respect: there was no protest or
demonstration in Benghazi." Republican lawmakers are now questioning
whether Rice should be nominated to succeed Clinton, who is widely
expected to step down from her post near the beginning of President
Barack Obama's second term in late January.