Lankan skies safe - ICAO
The results released by the International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) after carrying out a comprehensive system audit on State
capabilities for the conduct of Aviation Security Oversight, showed that
the degree of compliance of Sri Lanka with International Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPs) relating to aviation security projects is
above the global average.
The ICAO is an organisation of States responsible for setting of
SARPS relating to international civil aviation. It is also the UN body
specialising in civil aviation. ICAO has 191 members.
The most recent aviation security audit on Sri Lanka shows a
significant performance of Sri Lanka in aviation security oversight
activities with 85 percent compliance with security- related SARPs as
against the world average of 67percent for 145 States, which have been
"The audit results give an assurance to the travelling public that
the 'Lankan Skies are secure'", a spokesman said.
Sri Lanka has already filed with ICAO, a Corrective Action Plan for
rectification of the deficient areas identified during the audits and
those Corrective Action Plans have been accepted by the ICAO to be
satisfactory. The newly established Aviation Screener Certification
Program enriches all aviation security personnel with the personal
licensing, which meets ICAO standards.
"'Safety and Security' will give added confidence to foreign airlines
about the safety and security standards in Sri Lanka to carry on their
business in Sri Lanka", the spokesman said.