The sweet tale of two bees
Two enterprising bees had ventured into our sitting room. A bunch of
fresh flowers may have attracted them. Dangerous trespassers. They
reminded us of the deadly hornets of Sigiriya. Also the shapely waisted
wasps. We trapped them into a bottle. We wanted to destroy them. My
friend and I were going to be their executioners.
“Please, do not harm us Sir. We are sorry to have entered your
territory. Your exotic flowers lured us here . They are our source of
“But you have a reputation for stinging people,” we said almost in

“We sting only when we are disturbed. As our mouth parts are attached
to the digestive organs it will be fatal if we are brushed away while we
sting,” they said.
“Come to think of it. I did learn something like that in our Zoology
class,” my friend said.
“Ah!, Then sir, you are a student of Science. Could you please spare
us a few moments and listen to our story,” they asked.
“All right! If it is going to be a sweet story.”
“Thank you Sir, you are so witty. Now for our sweet talk.” “Sir, we
have been mentioned in many a book of old, in many languages. We have
been mentioned even in the Holy Bible, in the Book of Kings. The mighty
Samson was asked to unravel a riddle. The riddle went like this. 'Out of
the strong came forth sweetness.' Samson had seen a beehive in a dead
lion's ear once. So, he answered. “What is sweeter than honey, what is
stronger than a lion.” He had answered well. Then again on another
instance, the Queen of Sheba had placed two bunches of flowers, one
natural and the other artificial which looked very natural, before the
wise King Solomon. “What is false and what is natural?” she had asked.
King Solomon had seen some bees by the window and he had the windows
opened. The bees promptly alighted on the fresh flowers. King Solomon
pointed to the flowers where our kind was perched. “This is natural,”
the King had said. The Queen was amazed at his wisdom.
“ Dear Sirs, we are a very active and disciplined species and humans
have been studying our lifestyle for many years. It is written in your
text books too. Our distant cousins, the termites too exhibit a
wonderful life system. They are also studied by you. Unfortunately
unlike us they are a bit destructive, “the bees explained.
“We both are females. Our males are called drones. They are lazy.
They do not go out to collect nectar. They are entrusted with fertility.
I think you too call your lazy humans ‘drones.’ Some of the larvae in
our hives are fed on a special diet. They eventually become queens.
However, as two queens cannot live in one hive one has to leave the
hive. I forgot to tell you , the queen flies out with the male. We call
it the ‘nuptial flight.’ Somewhat like the ‘going away' after humans
marry .The return of the queen and her mate is the beginning of a new
“ The hive we live in has live in has nice hexagonal equal sided
rooms. Our home is naturally air-conditioned because of the flapping of
wings. Some of us go scouting for sources of food - flowers, then we fly
back home and guide the others to the flowers from where we collect our
nectar. We fly from flower to flower. We never hurt them. Along with our
multicoloured cousins – the sweet butterflies, we obtain our honey. At
the same time we help the plants to increase their kind. We never hurt
any one of them. The honey that we produce, is the king of honeys and
the honey of kings – Oh! Sweet Nectar. You must be aware that honey we
make in our natural hives and even the artificial hives made by humans
is very valuable and used by humans.
My friend and I were terribly embarrassed about our lack of knowledge
and also intentions of killing these tiny insects of such value to
nature and humans.
The bees did not notice or pretended not to and continued their
story.“We may be small. But we have enriched your language. Our role in
this world is printed in books in many languages. In English,we are
mentioned in many instances such as ‘busy as a bee’, 'bee in one's
bonnet,’ ‘bees knees,’ ‘making a bee line’ ‘hive of activity,’ ‘buzzing
like bees 'and ‘swarming round something.’
We have inspired many songs and poems too. 'Where the bee sucks there
suck I 'and your immortal singer, C.T.'s song ‘Mee wadayaki jeevithe’
(Life is a beehive) are for all time.
My friend's and my eyes were glistening. After listening to them. “Go
on my sweet little bee,” we said. They flapped their wings. Went round
our faces and continued to enlighten us. “Above all we make nectar. Even
the gods crave for it. Our honey is in medicine. In this lovely land, it
is taken internally or mixed with other herbal powders and applied
externally, ”the two bees whispered as they flew around us.
Then they perched on our faces. “In this beautiful land it is used
even to make Christmas and wedding cake. It is the best cake in the
world. Our honey gives it that ‘extra’ taste,” they said.We could not
speak. Here was knowledge imparted to us by one of nature's tinniest
creations. “Truly, my little ones,” I said “You have sweetened our lives
for generations. Your honey cannot be compared to that of any other.
Your social life system is definitely an example to humans. Your sweet
talk has made us so happy .Come my gentle friends ,we will take you back
to your home safely,” we said.
Then we took them. They were perched on our cheeks. We reached their
luxury home. There was a hive activity in there. Bees were swarming all
over it . “Not to worry,” the two bees said. “They are buzzing around
because we had not returned to the hive.” They then bowed and made a bee
line to their hive.
Siripathy Jayamaha