Art for fast-paced times
By Kalakeerthi Edwin Ariyadasa
"There is a certain
characteristic, common to all those whom we call geniuses. Each of them
has a consciousness of being a man apart."
Miguel de Unamuno
S.H. Sarath |
Artist S.H. Sarath's exhibitions recur with the inevitable regularity
of cycles of nature. Come what may, one can be certain that S.H. Sarath
will present an exhibition each year. Freak weather is quite likely to
alter its expected pattern at times. But as for S.H. Sarath's art
displays, they cleave to their time - rhythm, unfailingly. As artist sui
generis, S.H. Sarath has an impressive way of shocking the spectator
with painted comments on topics of the moment, that occupy and agitate
the minds of the masses. His creative preoccupation with the passing
pageant of life, endows vividly on his art, the palpable "feel" of
'unceasing motion'.
In most of his past artistic forays into the errors, faults and
breakdowns of ordinary earthlings, S.H. Sarath, would - as a matter of
course - record his reactions in a series of quaint, queer and droll
drawings. His convoluted and tortured lines, have a way of accentuating
the wit and humour of these paintings.
But, in his latest display, there is a perceptible departure from
that familiar norm. A starkly evident therapeutical intent can be
discerned in his present portfolio of artistic creations. True to his
characteristic inclination, he has given an intriguing title to his
latest array of works. And, that surprise-packed title reads this way in
Sinhala: "S.H. Sarathge, maha adhi vegee situvam dekma." This could be
rendered into English as "S.H. Sarath's mega fast-paced exhibition of
The operative usage in this title is "mega fast-paced." This sums up
his 'diagnosis,' of the inner-soul of the modern man. According to him,
homosapiens have now evolved into a speed-fiend. Men and women of our
day rush around as if they are being hotly pursued. They are caught up
in an inexorable race, the significance of which, they themselves cannot
The inevitable outcome of this mega-speed is tension and angst. They
sorely and pathetically lack 'quality' leisure.
In short, this helplessly driven generation of fast-paced automata of
our day is, stranger to the joys of art, poetry and literature. S.H.
Sarath laments their two-fold tragedy: On the one hand their deadened
souls are so dense that they cannot resonate to beauty and aesthetic
joy. On the other hand, they cannot create works of timeless grandeur
like our classical literature and Sigiriya Apsaras.
One of his paintings |
How does artist - therapist S.H. Sarath respond to this fast-paced
modern life?
His shocking, surprising and eminently entertaining answer is the
current array of art-works he displays.
In the first instance the palette he deploys in this series, has been
selected with a keen eye to entertain the viewer. The motley of colours,
evokes the impression of the costume of circus clowns. The conventional
jester of the early days, was dressed in multi-coloured attire, to
attract attention to his fun-filled turns.
Artist Sarath's intention in his role of therapist, is to dispel the
gloom and anxiety that cloud the psyche of most men and women who dash
around in a mighty hurry. When such 'driven' moderns spend a few moments
gazing at this world of compelling hues, they will perhaps experience a
temporary trance of inner quietness.
If you observe the creator of these healing works of art, you cannot
help but wonder, if he himself has not been a victim of the mega-paced
speed of modern living. The on-rush of the fast waves of life has
reduced the artist to a frail-looking physical frame. The mane of
totally white hair, that thatches his pate is the residue of life's
speed. His starkly white and perfect teeth, which he always bares in a
perpetual grin, offsets the darkish mien of his face.
When everything is said and done, S.H. is the 'complete artist.' His
soul unceasingly resounds to the rhythms of life. His sunny vision,
intermingled with a sarcasm-tinged humour, has endowded upon him a
philosophy of satirical optimism, which is his unique brand of artistic
perception. His recurring cycle of creations is a cultural enrichment to
discerning persons with each new display of his works. Artist S.H.
Sarath communicates an enlivening message to lovers of art. He says in
each new display, that he has the creative power of soul, to achieve
repetitive incarnation.
He derives this inner strength, from a series of geniuses who
inspired him both formally and informally.
This venerable galaxy includes among others Mudlier - A.C.G.S.
Amarasekera, Stanley Abeysinghe, Tilake Abeysinghe, Albert Dharmasiri
and H.A. Karunaratne.
The really good news, that comes through loud and clear from the
latest display, is that in the years to come S.H. Sarath will inspire
generations of artists, to be bold, imaginative and to seek a rivetingly
unique personality.